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January 2014 Salon: Tuesday 1-28-2014 at Vagabond Café at 7pm!

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Anthony La Russo

Jan 15, 2014, 3:03:52 PM1/15/14
Hey everyone,

The January Salon will take place on Tuesday 1-28-2014 at Vagabond Café at 7pm.

Last time we met was right before Thanksgiving 11-19-2013, so there's lots of Project-completion and holiday artistry or post-holiday artistic aftermath to recount, rejoice in, or say good riddance to! Let's have fun with it.

This is a great chance to discover and share interests and streams of curiosity uniquely yours that tie all your Art together; set it off in an entirely new direction; or inspire an entirely new project. 

Maybe you didn't even know you were going to start a new project... until...wait for it...the Monthly Interstitial Arts Foundation Salon *trigers* it. Gah!

We can push tables together at Vagabond. We do. We will. As usual, bring a snippet of your art, poem, music, writing if you want! Bring your high energy, stream-of-consciousness, and mega-alternative resourcefulness... and you will find fellow heart, mind and soul here. Come "Group" with us!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Vagabond Cafe
7 Cornelia St., NYC (1/4 block from West Fourth B/D/F/M Subway stop)

Come one come all, lovely folk. Call/text/contact me if any questions or 'on my way' notes. But just show up. Artists inspire more Art!
~Anthony La Russo
~(917) 720-7930

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