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July Interstitial Arts Salon - Tuesday July 22nd

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Anthony La Russo

Jul 16, 2014, 2:26:50 PM7/16/14
Hey everyone,

Interstitial Arts Salon in 6 days! Tuesday, July 22, 7-9pm at the Diner. I'll be there 20 minutes earlier or so to hold a couple of longer tables upfront.

Tuesday, July 22nd, 7pm - 9pm
Washington Square Diner
150 W 4th St (between 6th & McDougal Ave; very slightly east off the West 4th A/B/C/D/E/F/M Subway)
New York, NY 10012
(212) 533-9306

If you like -- bring a symbol of a project/performance/ceremony/story you're working on. We'd love to see it and hear about it. There is always so much synchronicity in our Group. Please add!

Come one come all. Call/text/contact me if any questions or 'on my way' notes. But just show up. Artists inspire more Art. We're holding a place for ya'.

Anthony La Russo
Google Voice: (917) 720-7930 (Text or VM)

ps: For the remainder of 2014, please mark and hold these dates for Salon, which is now usually held on the 4th Tuesday of each month. See what your 2014 looks like from a work-in-progress perspective? Yay! Keep creating that Art!

Tuesday July 22
Tuesday August 26
Tuesday September 23
Tuesday October 28
Tuesday November 25th (possible holiday break...or Tues Nov. 18)
Tuesday December 23rd (possible holiday break...or Tues Dec. 16)

pss: Please respond to Facebook Event link. Appreciated!
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