It's February everyone, and our next salon is coming up in a little over a week. This time around I've added a new wrinkle to the proceedings, so please read the whole email :D
The Vagabond Café @ 7 Cornelia Street, 7pm to 9pm - feel free to arrive at any time.
Upcoming Salons: March 26th, April 23rd
What or Who Should I Bring?
I'm so glad you asked. There are three things you should bring with you to the salon:
1. Yourself. Because we love meeting new people and spending more time with artists we know.
2. Another creative/artistic person. Salons such as these thrive on diversity of skills, experience, ideas, and types. So far we have a lot of artists of the writer persuasion, but we long to cast our net wider. Where are the musicians and theater people and sculptors and dancers and filmmakers and artists who do some combination of those or something vastly different!
We know you're out there, and we also know that our regulars must know people of this awesome ilk. So, this month, your mission is to bring at least one new person to the salon who you find stimulating or brilliant. We're not barring the door to more writers -- everyone loves writers!
3. A visual representation of you/your art. Something small and card or postcard-sized. It can be a business card or calling card or postcard or something else that is small and wearable. We're going to do secret and awesome things with these, so don't forget it!
If you have any questions regarding this, please ask me! If you would care to RSVP via facebook, the link is right here: