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November Salon is Tuesday

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K. Tempest Bradford

Nov 24, 2012, 1:29:21 PM11/24/12
Hello NYC Salon Goers! This is a reminder that the next salon is this
coming Tuesday. Place and time remain the same, but there's a theme to
this one, as you'll see below.

The December salon date is up in the air since the 4th Tuesday is
actually Christmas day. We'll be discussing December's date on Tuesday.
I'm hoping to have some kind of holiday party with singing and
performing. If you're interested in being involved in that, let me know!

As for November, we're doing a Special Post-Black Friday Gift Extravaganza

Since November's salon is happening right as we enter the dreaded
"holiday shopping season", I thought it would be nice to add an extra
layer to our monthly gathering. I would like everyone to come to the
salon with an idea for the perfect holiday gift.

Said gift might be YOUR art! Or it could be the interstitial art of a
friend. Or the art of someone you don't know personally but really like.
Or a charity that sells great stuff for a great cause. Or anything else
I haven't thought of.

You don't have to bring the actual stuff to the salon, just a way to
tell people about it. Postcards, flyers, little pieces of paper with a
URL written on them. The point is to spread the word about a fabulous
gift they can give that supports an artist or a cause or an organization
you care about. And, as I said, self-promotion is okay too!

Where & When?

The Vagabond Caf� @ 7 Cornelia Street, Tuesday November 27th, 7pm to 9pm
- feel free to arrive at any time.

Want Your Work Featured At The Salon?

ALL interstitial artists can now send us stuff to put on display or on
the sound system at the salon. Even if you're not in NYC and even if you
can't make the event.

Musicians: We'll play your music during the salon and provide everyone
with a list of the musicians and their websites. If you'd like to get in
on this, send K. Tempest Bradford (the host) a PM and she'll direct you
to the DropBox. Be sure to upload MP3s only and a text file with your
relevant info.

All Other Artists: If you have images of your art -- be it photos,
pictures, sculptures, jewelry, crafts, whatever -- we will feature it in
a slideshow on the big screen at the cafe. If you'd like to get in on
this, send K. Tempest Bradford (the host) a PM and she'll direct you to
the DropBox. Be sure to include identifying information on the image
itself, such as your name.

All art and music must be in the DropBox by Monday, November 26th, to be
included this month.
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