fun-a-day starts tomorrow

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lauren melodia

Jan 31, 2011, 4:14:40 PM1/31/11
hi fun-a-dayster,

tomorrow is february 1st. do you know what you're doing for fun-a-day? please see the invite below for a reminder and forward to your friends who you think would really benefit from playing with us.

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: lauren melodia <>
Sent: Thu, January 20, 2011 8:05:17 PM
Subject: fun-a-day is on its way!

***********post far and wide***************

2nd Annual NYC Fun-A-Day

February 1 to 28, 2011

New York, NY


The concept is simple: Choose one fun thing to do each day (take a photograph, make the bed, draw a picture, bake a cake, etc) and do it every day in February.  Then share what you did at a big group Fun-A-Day Show the first week of March.


If your fun-a-day is to make artwork or produce something, bring those things to the show. If your fun-a-day does not result in a final product, make a record or representation of your product in some way to share at the show. While this has primarily been an arts-based activity in Philly and other cities, we really want to see people doing all sorts of fun things (and even challenge artists to do non-artistic fun-a-days) so think outside the box. This is not another NYC gallery show. This is purely about having fun in the dead of winter.  


Let us know what your Fun-A-Day will be. Submit it here:


For now, spread the word! And put your thinking cap on. You’ve got about ten days to figure out how you’ll make it through February with Fun-A-Day.

To make sure you get updates about the fun-a-day show and submission guidelines for the show, please add your name to this mailing list:  Don't worry; this isn't a list-serv. We we only send you TWO announcements on this list. 


Started in 2004 by a group of friends in Philadelphia, Fun-A-Day began as a way to stay creative and motivate each other to make things through the winter. Now in its seventh year, Fun-A-Day has grown from its Philadelphia roots--in 2010 there were 10 Fun-A-Day shows, organized by different art collectives and groups of friends across the country.  Check out what Fun-A-Day is all about and what others have done in the past from the Artclash Collective, the brilliant founders in Philadelphia:

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