ISO Rain Barrels & Seeds

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Sacesha Bennett

Mar 24, 2023, 4:33:18 PM3/24/23
to NYC Community Composting
Hey Compost-minded Community,

Southside Jamaica Infinity Garden in Queens is trying our best to set up for the seasons to come. Do any of you know how we could get rain barrels, large outdoor storage containers, and/or seeds? I know this is a HUGE ask, but if you can help us locate even one of the resources, we’ll be eternally grateful!

SJIG is ran and founded by Latin women born and raised in Southside. They formed this garden to strengthen the shattered community split by our spiraling society. Thanks to QBGs program, we’re setting up as an FSDO now but we need infrastructure to sustain ourselves. 

We need all that we can get. Anything helps, nothing is too small. I opened by asking for  the big things, but we are also on the lookout for:

I believe this community can help us fertilize our already arable land.

Sacesha Bennett 

Leo Valiente

Mar 24, 2023, 11:06:11 PM3/24/23
to Sacesha Bennett, NYC Community Composting
Are any of your gardeners super stewards with parks? They give tools out to those who are leading volunteer urban forestry care efforts around the 5 boroughs. I also have a trowel that I received from this group and can now forward along :)

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Shakara Petteway

Mar 25, 2023, 1:50:52 PM3/25/23
to NYC Community Composting
Hi Sacesha,

DEP and NY Council Members regularly host rain barrel giveaways. I would recommend reaching out to your local elected to see when the next giveaway is happening.

There are also several seed companies willing to give away free seed, so it might be worthwhile to put in a request. 

As far as materials, you could look into NYRP's Gardens for the City Program

I think none of my recommendations are immediate solutions, but they are definitely resources with researching and applying for.


Miryam Shemwell

Mar 25, 2023, 2:18:21 PM3/25/23
to NYC Community Composting
Hi there, I'd recommend reaching out to GrowNYC re: rain barrels.

Alec Chi

Mar 31, 2023, 9:46:53 AM3/31/23
to Sacesha Bennett, NYC Community Composting
Hi Sacesha,

If you are still in search of seeds, East New York Farms is hosting a seed giveaway event at the end of April, you can register for tickets here:


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Alec Chi 紀思偉 (he/him/his) what's this?
Community Gardens Organizer, East New York Farms!

United Community Centers, Inc. 
c/o East New York Farms!
613 New Lots Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11207

Sacesha Bennett

Mar 31, 2023, 9:47:00 AM3/31/23
to Alec Chi, NYC Community Composting

Thank you so much for sharing this event. UCC is a hub for so many great giveaways. Thankful for them, I'm definitely not going to miss it!!

If you hear ANYTHING else on seeds and/or rain barrels, please think of me!

Enjoy your evening!!

- Sacesha 
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