Looking for permaculture cert. Teammates to regenerate a garden in the city

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Wenting Chen

Jul 12, 2023, 8:31:29 PM7/12/23
to NYC Community Composting, Jack Kurylo
Hello composters, passionated gardeners, 

I am wenting, volunteering on a nyc local design regeneration medicinal garden project(expected long term) ,and would need dedicated teammates to add on your own healing missions and to plant, maintain, take care of the garden together.

I am good at making things happened and the purpose of the garden is for education. 

The garden plants will not use any pesticides and herbicides. Only regenerate by permaculture methods. 

We will need
1, pure hearts and skillful hands to help out fixing tools.... 
2, good at planting 
Anything you would like to contribute? 

Are you interested in joining? 
Is this sounds like your calling? Please join the zoom meeting this Friday 7/14/23 at 7:15pm to discuss, your vision of the garden and how we can team up together. 

Ms. Chen 邀请您参加预先安排的 Zoom 会议。

主题:Medicinal healing garden meeting 101

时间:这是一个定期召开的会议 在任何时间举行会议

加入 Zoom 会议

会议号:438 122 1093


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会议号:438 122 1093


Hope to see you then, 
Let me know if you have any feedbacks,

Best Regards, 


rhonda keyser

Jul 13, 2023, 10:02:35 AM7/13/23
to Wenting Chen, NYC Community Composting, Jack Kurylo
Hi Wenting! This sounds amazing! Do you already have a location in mind? If so, can you share where it is? I'd love to join but can't travel far to get there.

Rhonda Keyser
Sure We Can Executive Board Member
NYSCHECK Member, Community Partner
Education Director, Cafeteria Culture 
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed individuals can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has." -- Margaret Mead

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Fanny Cohen

Jul 13, 2023, 10:54:04 AM7/13/23
to rhonda keyser, Wenting Chen, NYC Community Composting, Jack Kurylo
Hey! I’m a curious also about the location! This sounds really exciting


On Jul 13, 2023, at 10:02 AM, rhonda keyser <rhonda...@gmail.com> wrote:

Leo Valiente

Jul 13, 2023, 11:07:08 AM7/13/23
to Fanny Cohen, rhonda keyser, Wenting Chen, NYC Community Composting, Jack Kurylo
I thought it was a zoomcall happening on friday. When i confirmed joining there was a link at the bottom of the email with join information.

Unless you all are referring to meeting together after the meeting tmrw.


Wenting Chen

Jul 13, 2023, 5:05:42 PM7/13/23
to Leo Valiente, Fanny Cohen, rhonda keyser, NYC Community Composting, Jack Kurylo
Hello Leo Valente, 

I looked over the bottom link you mentioned. I have no idea why it is there. 

You may no need to pay attention to it. We will meet on Zoom tomorrow night. 
To discuss the covinence of locations for all of us, and plan we want to fit in our own missions. And more. 

We will meet in person on the 29th, Saturday morning,at 10am  at https://maps.app.goo.gl/TdLMsdUfRPPsRryXA with the investor to discuss more in depth. 

I treasure this opportunity and would love to start with your sincere heart to make this happen. Stick with me. 

Let me know your schedule. 

Best Regards, 


<lennart...@gmail.com> 于 2023年7月13日周四 11:07写道:

dawn cherry

Jul 14, 2023, 8:41:04 AM7/14/23
to NYC Community Composting
Would love to join the meeting tonight

Wenting Chen

Jul 14, 2023, 7:17:39 PM7/14/23
to NYC Community Composting, Jack Kurylo
Friendly reminder for tonight 's Zoom meeting 

ID:438 122 1093

Hope to see you then. :) 

Wenting Chen <wch...@binghamton.edu> 于 2023年7月12日周三 20:31写道:

Wenting Chen

Jul 19, 2023, 6:54:08 PM7/19/23
to NYC Community Composting
Hello all,

Thanks for taking your time to reply my emails, and came to the zoom meeting. 
We will meet in person at ElJardin del Paraiso community garden at 10 am, I will wait for 5 mins, if you are coming late, then, we will walk 5 mins to La Plaza culture community to look at the medicinal garden and talk about our vision of the healing medicinal garden with the investor. 

If you are able to come, refresh your Saturday morning with medicinal plants, and consider being part of the contribution for healing, medicinal, meaningful climate related or not educational events….add your little missions to be a better ancestor. Reply this email I will send you my phone number to text, in case If you get lost. 

Thanks for your willingness to collaborate with the planet earth,

Talk more,

Best Regards,


Wenting Chen <wch...@binghamton.edu>于2023年7月13日 周四下午5:05写道:
* Be mindful before printing this e-mail.

Wenting Chen

Jul 28, 2023, 11:48:00 AM7/28/23
to NYC Community Composting
Kind reminder, if you would like to meet tomorrow at 10am at ElJardin del Paraiso community garden. Please reply this email. 
If you will be late after 10:05am, let's meet at LA Plaza cultural community garden. 

Hope to hear from you soon, 


Wenting Chen <wch...@binghamton.edu> 于 2023年7月19日周三 18:53写道:

Wenting Chen

Jul 30, 2023, 7:29:02 PM7/30/23
to NYC Community Composting
Dear all,

The meeting went well. The next step will be me making a presentation to show more details, then, we will desire the location. The garden is definitely going to focus on planting and maintaining the medicinal garden, and more. If you would like to add on your missions and goals similar to this. Feel free to connect with me. 

Best Regards,


Wenting Chen <wch...@binghamton.edu>于2023年7月28日 周五上午11:47写道:
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