NYU researchers looking for outdoor activity providers with an interest in serving people with dementia

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Ralston, Bonnie (Parks)

May 11, 2023, 11:23:17 AM5/11/23
to nyc-communit...@googlegroups.com
Hi all,

While this isn't connected to composting, I thought that some in this group would be interested in OR know someone who is interested in participating in this pilot/focus group. Please spread the word!

Thank you,

Project 1: A Green Activity Prescription Program for Chinese Americans Living with Dementia
A focus group of 4-6 outdoor activity professionals will meet to develop a program involving local nature activities to support brain health and function for Chinese American people living with mild cognitive impairment and mild Alzheimer's disease and related dementias in Brooklyn, NY. The focus group will be held virtually based on participants' availability during the spring and summer of 2023. The time commitment is 2 hours, participants will be reimbursed with a $50 Amazon gift card. To learn more about the study, please contact Drs. Hayley Belli and Becca Lassell: greenacti...@nyulangone.org or (212) 404-3563.

Project 2: A Green Activity Prescription Program for Hispanic/Latino People living with Mild Cognitive Impairment and Mild Dementia
A focus group of 4-6 outdoor activity professionals will meet to develop a program involving local nature activities to support brain health and function for people living with mild cognitive impairment and mild Alzheimer's disease and related dementias from Hispanic/Latino groups in the Bronx, NY. The focus group will be held virtually based on participants' availability during the spring and summer of 2023. The time commitment is 2 hours, participants will be reimbursed with a $50 Amazon gift card. To learn more about the study, please contact Dr. Becca Lassell: greenactivi...@nyulangone.org or (212) 404-3563.

Bonnie Ralston (she/her what’s this?)

Director of Teaching & Learning Support

Education & Wildlife Division / Public Programs / NYC Parks

T 212.360.1462

C 917.693.9852
E Bonnie....@parks.nyc.gov

NYC Parks
Arsenal North 
1234 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10029

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22-00901 Phase 1_Flyer_Green Professionals_02-08-2023.pdf
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