Dúvida: Nxfilter e DNS AD Windows Server possível conflito

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Departamento Tecnologia

Jul 21, 2022, 1:24:20 PM7/21/22
to NxFilter - Fórum Brasileiro

Estou com dúvidas relacionadas a DNS do NX Filter e DNS do AD do Windows Server. Posso contar com a ajuda de vocês, caso já tiveram alguma experiência pelo que estou tendo.
Conforme a topologia anexa:
Na borda possuo 1 Mikrotik, após ela tenho outra Mikrotik configurado os Serviços de Firewall DHCP Server onde na aba Network campo DNS aponta para IP do NXFILTER.

Problema que estou tendo:
De 20 dias pra cá, máquinas do dominio não acessam Servidor de Arquivos por IP fazendo o \\IP por nome sim.
Tratativas no DNS do Windows AD:
Foi verificados e realizado todas as tratativas em cima dos logs do Event Viewer, nada do que foi feito, resolveu. Foi realizado dcdiag /test:dns ambos passam no teste dentro do Servidor do AD/DNS, incluindo nslookup buscando por nome ou IP busca corretamente de dentro do Servidor.

Máquinas na LAN domínio:
Se faço um nslookup apontando IP DNS/AD Windows da domínio inexistente, desconhecido e traz somente o resultado no nslookup o IP do NXFILTER


Esta configurado corretamente, vinha funcionando normalmente sem problemas  e de repente começou isso. Já foi desinstalado atualizações do Windows Server nas tratativas do DNS/AD mesmo os testes de diagnósticos dentro do AD não trazendo erros, dizendo que passou nos testes, foi feito isso para ver se fosse alguma atualização do Windows Server. Dentro do nxfilter dns local esta apontando para o IP Servidor AD/DNS com o domínio da rede tudo certo, com usuário do Active Directory também configurado. 

Estamos a dias em tratativas e sem solução, alguém já passou por isso ou tem alguma sugestão?

Desde já, agradeço vossa atenção
pmc topologia.jpg


Jul 21, 2022, 10:30:10 PM7/21/22
to NxFilter - Fórum Brasileiro
Several things to check.

1. Did you bypass AD domain and its reverse lookup domain to your MS DNS server?
  - NxFilter does it automatically but sometimes it's better to bypass it manually.

2. See if it there's anything blocked for your users.
  - Create a user and with the user do nothing but to access your file server and see if there's anything blocked with that user.

You can install a new NxFilter on your desktop for testing. Just filter your desktop only and see if the same thing happens. Don't do AD integration with this one just bypass AD domain and reverse lookup domin on DNS > Local DNS to your MS DNS server and see what happens.

Departamento Tecnologia

Jul 22, 2022, 7:41:42 PM7/22/22
to NxFilter - Fórum Brasileiro

1. Did you bypass AD domain and its reverse lookup domain to your MS DNS server?
  - NxFilter does it automatically but sometimes it's better to bypass it manually.

What di you mean? Do I do this on my NXFILTER Server?
I already have reverse lookup DNS on my DNS SERVER, I create it now to do some test, but no luck.

Attached some pictures with the configuration, please let me know if you need more detail.

I've made some tests on my file server before, but I just get access to the files through the \\IP addres if I go to the File Server MS and set the preferred DNS to their own IP address. I tried to change the IP addres and let it automatcally, same thing. when I push \\IP it says "Verify your spelling name error" but I will tell you, I did everything under my  knowledge, search on Google about this error and everything that I applied, nothing helped.

Verify spelling name Error 80070035.jpg

Departamento Tecnologia

Jul 22, 2022, 8:12:14 PM7/22/22
to NxFilter - Fórum Brasileiro
I was thinking to install other MS Windows Server and up another domain with AD DNS. I really have no idea anymore. Some services have stopped to work fine in my domain network.


Jul 25, 2022, 12:58:03 AM7/25/22
to NxFilter - Fórum Brasileiro
NxFilter bypasses your AD domain and its reverse lookup domain to your MS DNS server automatically. If you want to do that on 'DNS > Local DNS', you need to add your AD domain and its reverse lookup domain separated by a comma. For example, if your AD domain is 'nxfilter.local' and your network IP is, you need to add,


This reverse lookup may cause a problem for finding resources in your Active Directory as your they need to update their IP address dynamically. However, I am not sure if this is your problem. If I were you, I will test it with the simplest setup. I will install a new NxFilter on my PC and use it as the DNS server for my PC and then I will try to recreate the problem.

Departamento Tecnologia

Jul 27, 2022, 1:32:59 PM7/27/22
to NxFilter - Fórum Brasileiro
Okay, I will try this. Thank you for your time. I'll fill out the field (Local Domain) as you explained or the field (Local DNS Server)

in my case I go to NXFILTER DNS > Setup > Local Domain: contoso.com,0.168.192.in-addr.arpa this way ?

thank you again.

Departamento Tecnologia

Jul 31, 2022, 3:08:35 PM7/31/22
to NxFilter - Fórum Brasileiro
I think the issue is not related to the nxfilter, because we reinstalled nxfilter server and put these information in the field local domain with the reverse lookup zone. 
Reading this posts "Windows cannot access \\, Check the spelling… Error code 0x80004005 Unspecified error.” 
First Blog: https://www.alphr.com/windows-cannot-access-computer-error-0x80004005/ 
I did all the steps in this link in the side Server but not Workstations, including change somethings in regedit. Of course, I did a backup before change something.

 Microsoft Answer, and nothing solved Error  0x80004005. 

I can get access to the shared folders in my file server through the \\ServerName and the mapping are working fine using of course the name server, but IP address it doesn't access my File Server.  Believe me, I tried everything that I could and search in the internet, but I couldn't get any satisfactory success.

 I just get access through IP address when I change de Preferred DNS on my File Server putting their own IP address like he was Microsoft DNS Server and he isn't is, there is no service like Active Directory and DNS installed on this server. For example IP address Mask: GW Preferred DNS Server: this way I can get access from some workstations on Domain.

I applied Update on this Servers (DC, File Server).
Sorry to relate this here, I know this Group is not directed to the Microsoft issues.

I thank you for your help.
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