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Erro ao buscar usuários no OpenLdap

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Wilmar Almeida

Dec 20, 2022, 2:26:02 PM12/20/22
to NxFilter - Fórum Brasileiro
Boa Tarde,

Estou tentando trazer meus usuários que estão no openLdap. A conexão funciona perfeitamente, onde usando o botão "Test" eu recebo uma mensagem de Ok.  

Porém ao tentar importar, recebo o seguinte erro : 

"Error! java.lang.Exception: AdapImport.fetchUsers, java.lang.Exception: Empty result set!"

Nos Logs, tenho essa informação : 

DEBUG [12-20 16:22:37] - AdapImport.fetchUsers, No attributes
DEBUG [12-20 16:22:37] - AdapImport.fetchUsers, java.lang.NullPointerException

User Filter : 

Group Filter : 

Ambos os filtros foram testados no ldap e trazem a listagem correta. 

Pela quantidade de log e pela mensagem, me parece que falta algum atributo obrigatório que meus usuários não tem. Porém não faço a mínima ideia qual seria esse atributo. 

Conto com ajuda dos colegas...

Obrigado !


Dec 21, 2022, 7:03:04 PM12/21/22
to NxFilter - Fórum Brasileiro

We need sAMAccountName and distinguishedName. I am not sure if it would be working on OpenLDAP though. It's for Active Directory basically.


Dec 21, 2022, 7:11:03 PM12/21/22
to NxFilter - Fórum Brasileiro

For OpenLDAP, you can try our old GUI. In /nxfilter/conf/ file, comment out one line like below,

  #www_dir = guipack/sandwatch

and then restart it. Then you will see the menu.

Wilmar Almeida

Dec 22, 2022, 9:47:36 AM12/22/22
to NxFilter - Fórum Brasileiro
So... in old Gui work with OpenLdad. My users and Groups now appear. 

But, there is a problem... I don't can filter my groups and all groups appear. I need filter my Groups, just like it's done in ActiveDirectory (New Gui). There, you can use filter to Groups and Users. 

I need this filter to work 100% perfect. 

Wainting.. Thanks !


Dec 22, 2022, 10:30:04 AM12/22/22
to NxFilter - Fórum Brasileiro
Why do you need OpenLDAP? People don't use OpenLDAP these days. And you can use Samba.

You can use Exclucde Keyword to filter some users and groups out. That's the old way.

Wilmar Almeida

Dec 22, 2022, 2:48:39 PM12/22/22
to NxFilter - Fórum Brasileiro
Yes... People use OpenLDAP. 

I don't understand... For Adap NXFilter have User and Group Filters. For OpenLdap not. 


Dec 23, 2022, 1:42:45 AM12/23/22
to NxFilter - Fórum Brasileiro
In old GUI, we don't have custom filter for AD as well. We had been using Exclude Keyword for several years for AD and OpenLDAP. If we see more users for OpenLDAP in future, we can add it. However, why would they use OpenLDAP if they can use Samba? Try Exclude Keyword if you have to use OpenLDAP.
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