ipv6 and nxfilter in a container

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Oct 11, 2020, 2:50:03 PM10/11/20
to NxFilter
i have a unique scenario that i hope the users on this group are able to help with

i have a mix of devices using nxfilter where nxfilter is running in a container (1)

research has shown that sometimes android devices will actually use ipv6 for dns (2). this is in spite of settings that all devices obtain their dns settings via dhcp on openwrt (5).

to set nxfilter to use ipv6 i have modified the Dockerfile to support ipv6 (3) and rebuilt the container. i also verified i am using the correct ipv6 ip
i then used socat (4) to redirect the packets to the correct container.
as for firewalld, i have even disabled to no avail

output is
Server:         2606:a000:111b:46c8:ca60:ff:fe5a:1ca8
Address:        2606:a000:111b:46c8:ca60:ff:fe5a:1ca8#53

Non-authoritative answer:
Name:   www.google.com
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached

i do not know whether this is a nxfilter or container or firewalld issue at the moment

thank you for any help in advance

1. https://github.com/packetworks/docker-nxfilter
2. https://notifications.spiceworks.com/topic/2218883-android-devices-wont-resolve-local-server-names
3. https://nxfilter.org/tutorial/i-faq.php#does-support-ipv6


Oct 11, 2020, 8:54:37 PM10/11/20
to NxFilter


Oct 12, 2020, 11:22:46 PM10/12/20
to NxFilter
i do not have a reddit account

i was finally able to duplicate my output above. i disabled firewalld and got the same output. but the connection timed out .. because .. there is no firewalld! and therefore all containers are unreachable!

and nslookup www.google.com  ::ffff: did work so i will add that to openwrt and see what happens

thank you very much

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