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Guidelines for Posting Jobs

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Tekin Suleyman

Mar 9, 2015, 2:34:45 PM3/9/15

In order to keep the NWRUG mailing list running smoothly, please follow these guidelines when posting or responding to jobs.

Puts [JOBS] in the subject line

Not everyone on this list will be interested in job opportunities. You can help these people by adding [JOBS] to the start of the subject line, which will enable them to filter such emails if they wish.

Be as specific and detailed as possible

Please avoid vague phrases like "Excellent opportunity at a great Ruby company flexible on salary". This will not wash with our members. Provide as as much details as you can, including: a full description of the job; the location; how much it pays; the level of the job; whether remote work is acceptable; the length and type of the contract; and the company the job is for. Make your email as friendly and informal as possible. You are much more likely to get a response to your post if you sell the position properly and explain why someone would want to work for you.

Guidelines for members of NWRUG: Reply to job posts off-group

If you are interested in a job post or want to know more, reply directly to the job poster and not to the group. Any on-group replies to job posts will be deleted and job posts will be locked from replies.

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