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Ruby Knowledge Improvement

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May 2, 2024, 9:11:28 AM5/2/24
to North West Ruby User Group (NWRUG)
Has anyone got any good suggestions for boosting my Ruby knowledge ... emails to sign up for, groups to join, podcasts etc?

I'm thinking of short 'snack' like items that make improve your coding (I can code in Ruby so not looking for a learn to code course or tutorial)

For example, this morning I've found that I can use the symbol to_proc magic to write a simple factorial function:

def factorial(n)
  n == 0 ? 1 : n.downto(1).reduce(:*)

So far I've signed up for One Ruby Thing newsletter, but anything else would be useful.



Tekin Süleyman

May 2, 2024, 10:42:43 AM5/2/24
to NWRUG Group
In terms of email lists, as well as One Ruby Thing I would also recommend: Ruby Weekly for a comprehensive set of links to the latest goings on in the Ruby world; Short Ruby News for similar; This Week in Rails for a nice short summary of the latest changes being merged into Rails.

Podcast wise, there are also a ton to try, but the ones I find myself actually listening to regularly The Bike ShedMaintainable, and the occasional episode of Ruby for All.

There are also at least a couple Ruby/Rails-related Slack communities that you should be able find with a search, but I’ve not the experience to be able to recommend ant in particular.


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