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NWRUG’s May 2024 Meeting

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North West Ruby User Group (NWRUG)

May 1, 2024, 11:42:50 AM5/1/24
to North West Ruby User Group (NWRUG)

NWRUG’s May 2024 meeting will be on 16 May from 6.30pm to 8pm. (The meeting starts at 7pm.)

This time, the lovely folks at Chroma Recruitment are hosting us in their offices on Booth Street. All the venue and registration details are below.


What to do when you’ve been hit by a tornado

Brandon Burton says:

Tornadoes are incredibly violent, destructive forces of nature. They are rapid, rotating columns of air that form in a thunderstorm, typically a supercell. What happens when your home is hit by that terrifying vortex of wind? Over the 2023 Christmas period, that’s what happened to me. As I started to work towards fixing my home and returning to normality, I realised that all I was doing was solving a problem, not unlike any other scary problem we face as developers. Through sharing my story I hope to convey a perspective that we can all use when we’re faced with stressful and seemingly complex software problems where success may seem far away and consequences immediately close.


When the talks end, we'll decamp to a local pub for food, drinks and chats with your fellow attendees.

Of course, this is the socialising part and seems more informal. Please remember that it is part of the meeting and covered by our code of conduct.close.

Venue & Registration

Before attending, you should familiarise yourself with our code of conduct. The code of conduct applies to all attendees.

Secure your place

To guarantee entry, you need to register via TicketTailor.


The address of the venue:

Chroma Recruitment
2nd Floor
31 Booth St
M2 4AF

See on a map


May 2, 2024, 9:13:23 AM5/2/24
to North West Ruby User Group (NWRUG)
Will definitely be there - looking forward to hearing your talk Brandon!

Tekin Süleyman

May 15, 2024, 4:29:54 AM5/15/24
to NWRUG Group

Hi folks, it’s almost time!

Tomorrow evening Brandon Burton will be explaining what you should do when a tornado hits your house (with a bit about software development along the way…) 

We’ll be at the Chroma Recruitment offices on Booth Street from 6:30pm and the talk will start 7pm prompt.

If you are planning on attending do register so we get a sense of numbers.

Full details over on our website as well as our code of conduct.

Any questions let me know,


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Tekin Süleyman

May 16, 2024, 7:22:10 AM5/16/24
to NWRUG Group
Final reminder everyone, tonight from 6:30pm at Chroma Recruitment: 2nd Floor, 31 Booth St, Manchester M2 4AF.

The talk will start at 7pm and then afterwards we will decamp to a nearby pub for more chat.

Register here if you plan to attend.

See you there!


Tim Wearing

May 16, 2024, 8:53:25 AM5/16/24
Looking forward to welcoming NWRUG to the Chroma office this evening, I have attended some meet ups in years gone by with John Cleary, so I may see some familiar faces!  Tim

Darren Jones

May 17, 2024, 6:44:37 AM5/17/24
Thanks for the talk last night Brandon and thanks to everyone for being so welcoming. I enjoyed the talk and the discussion about remote/office working. 

Thanks to Tim for hosting as well!

Brandon Burton

May 17, 2024, 6:48:08 AM5/17/24
No problem Darren. I'm glad you enjoyed the evening. 

I hope you get some good news from your recent interview and look forward to seeing next month!

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