Strange behaviour with old chrome extention

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Anton Avramov

Dec 21, 2023, 12:33:14 PM12/21/23
to nw.js
I'm using an old kiosk chrome extension that I'm using on different machines. 
I need to keep the chrome extension, since the arm community build are old version an on those machines I use just chromium. 
My problem is activating the Widevine, since on some machine spotify is used. 
the manifest.json of the extension loads the file like this: 
"app": {
"background": {
"scripts": ["node_modules/async/dist/async.js",
"persistent": false

And there are some shortcuts defined like this: 
"commands": {
"openAdmin": {
"suggested_key": {
"default": "Ctrl+A",
"mac": "MacCtrl+A"
"description": "Open the setup page"

If I start nw with the directory of the extension it would start, but I can not activate Widevine since If I try to load nw.enableComponent i get ReferenceError: nw is not defined. 
If I rename manifest.json to package.json, then I can enable widevine, but then the shortcuts doesn't work. 

I when over the nw code and can see that if package.json is not found then it tries manifest.json for the basic settings, but it seams there is another difference when it gets to loading the extension. 

My goal was to add in the manifest "main" attribute to a file that just enables Widevine and then just start the extension, but I don't seam to find a way to do that. 

Does anyone here have some knowlege and experience with such a problem and how to overcome it?

Thanks in advance

Anton Avramov

Dec 21, 2023, 4:01:19 PM12/21/23
to nw.js
Of course I'll be struggling with 2 days with the problem and 30 min after posting here I found the solution :) 

To resolve the issue I rename manifest.json to package.json and then add "domain":"{the extention original id}"

That did resolve the problem with Widevine, but unfortunately for some reason the spotify player doesn't work with nwjs :(

I'll file a separate issue once I gather more details.

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