NW.js v0.89.0 Released with Chromium 126

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Roger Wang

Jun 25, 2024, 1:29:15 PMJun 25
to nw.js

I'm pleased to announce NW v0.89.0 with Chromium 126 stable upgrade.

In this release, a bug was fixed to support Node.js options in node-main. You can now put multiple Node.js command line arguments before the script filename in the manifest field.

In NW v0.89, Chromium 126 contains usual under-the-hood performance and stability tweaks, but there are also some cool new features to explore. It supports Cross-document view transitions for same-origin navigations, Gamepad API trigger-rumble extension and much more. Please check upstream release notes for details. For a complete list of all features (including experimental features) in this release, see the Chrome 126 milestone hotlist.

I've made the 0.89 branch ready soon after Chromium beta bumps to 126. Thanks to the testers for their valuable feedback and bug reports. I've been working on 2 branches simultaneously: a released branch on the current Chromium stable and a beta branch on Chromium beta.

Best regards,
Roger Wang


Full ChangeLog: https://github.com/nwjs/nw.js/blob/nw89/CHANGELOG.md


SDK build:

Binary for other platforms: https://dl.nwjs.io/v0.89.0/

There are 2 builds for each platform - normal build, and SDK build. Normal build doesn't have devtools, only SDK build does. lt can be opened by pressing F12 (Cmd-Alt-I on OSX). SDK packages also have more development tools to be exposed in the following releases, as well as the NaCl support.

Our build infrastructure enables live binary build from git tip so you can access to the latest binary from https://dl.nwjs.io/live-build/

Alexander Sunvas

Jun 25, 2024, 5:37:17 PMJun 25
to nw.js
  • #7855 - Mar 15, 2022 - navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices() doesn't work in <webview> properly
  • #7862 - Apr 14, 2022 - Webview reloads after being moved through the DOM
  • #7964 - Sep 11, 2022 - On macos NWjs crashes after attempt to reopen fullscreen window with specified width( or height)
  • #7976 - Oct 7, 2022 - webview.request.on* doesn't intercept requests made by Web Workers
  • #7994 - Nov 7, 2022 - Allow blocking Node.js and NW.js API access separately
  • #8170 - Clipboard doesn't work in a webview
Still no updates? 😢

вторник, 25 июня 2024 г. в 20:29:15 UTC+3, Roger Wang:


Jun 26, 2024, 12:25:10 PMJun 26
to nw.js
This just means Roger probably needs more helpers programming.  He just said he's building two branches at once.  We should all consider helping out if we have time.  I plan on helping as soon as I get the time.  I unfortunately can't start building quite yet, but I am still looking forward to it as soon as I take care of a few things.  If it has been a long time on those bugs, then that also says that other people could have looked into it by now, right?  It's not easy for one person to do everything.  I'm just saying, because I plan on trying to help squash bugs soon.

Maybe we can pause updates for a while and try to squash bugs at some point.  I hope I'll be able to help out soon.  Roger is doing so much of the work himself.

In fact, thanks to this, I plan on pausing everything else this weekend and setting up the build process for nwjs.  I'll have to look at the notes again to choose which platform/OS version to build on.

Alexander Sunvas

Jun 26, 2024, 8:50:05 PMJun 26
to nw.js
> It's not easy for one person to do everything.

, that might be an explanation, but it's apparent that not all bugs require a long time to be resolved. 😥

среда, 26 июня 2024 г. в 19:25:10 UTC+3, graven:

Alex Aloia

Jun 26, 2024, 10:10:25 PMJun 26
to Alexander Sunvas, nw.js
Maybe try fixing the easier and less time consuming issues yourself?

On Jun 26, 2024, at 7:50 PM, Alexander Sunvas <a.elea...@gmail.com> wrote:

> It's not easy for one person to do everything.
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