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Call for Lead Crew of African-Descent, Seattle Cinematography Workshop

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Hallie Aldrich

Sep 26, 2024, 12:41:23 PM9/26/24
to Northwest Film Forum Callboard
CALL TO ARTISTS OF AFRICAN-DESCENT: Please join our first Seattle Filmmakers Community Feature on Sunday, October 20th. We hope to recruit filmmakers of African-descent for the following positions:

Producer Mentor and Mentee
​1st Assistant Director Mentee
Director of Photography Mentor and Mentee (both are pending)
Director Mentor (Mentee is filled)
Gaffer Mentor and Mentee
Key Grip Mentor and Mentee

All other crew positions are open-registration for all community members. SCW is a one-day shoot with a three page script using access to professional cinema cameras and equipment thanks to Koerner and Pacific Grip and Electric. Mentee learn-by-crewing participants fund the cost of production with a sliding-scale fee ($35-150), and mentor volunteers get an in kind contribution tax deduction for their train-it-foward support (we are working on fundraising for stipends). We've had two successful, super fun and educational shoots so far. Please be part of the next one! Register now at SCW websitePlease reach out with questions or interest! 

Hallie Aldrich
Executive Director
Seattle Cinematography Workshop
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