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CASTING: Gift Horse - Black Youth Comedic Drama by DJ Walker

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vee hua

Sep 6, 2024, 12:41:56 PM9/6/24
Hello all!

I am helping to cast for writer-director DJ WALKER's latest short film, GIFT HORSE.

Please help us share this casting call far and wide! :) Most roles have been filled but we are still looking for a few! We are especially looking for teenagers, and they do not have to be professional actors.

Haunted by a night of reckless joy with his friends, Devon, now an adult, struggles to reconcile the carefree thrill of their youthful adventure with the lasting scars it left behind. As he grapples with his troubled past and a strained relationship with his father, Devon must face the events that shaped his life and find a way to move forward.

First round of auditions is virtual. Please e-mail to submit your headshot, film reel, and cover letter, as available / appropriate for each role. Script sides are only available after materials are sent.
  • SELF-TAPE AUDITIONS: Due September 20.
  • CALLBACKS: September 23 or 24.
  • SHOOT DATES: Two days around November 8 & 9.


All roles pay $150 a day.

  • Devon (14-19, Black, Male)
    Black fair-skinned. An air of sadness and curiosity. Values his group of friends as his chosen family.

  • Jabari (14-19, Black, Male)
    A tad timid compared to the rest of the group. When his caution is thrown to the wind, he's goofy and childlike.

  • Rick (14-19, White, Male)
    Hip-hop loving and Devon's main partner in crime. Never turns down anything that could turn into an adventure.

  • Sasha (14-19, Female) Emo looks with a punk personality. Prefers hanging out with the guys.
  • Therapist (49-57, Black)
    Caring, warm wanting to get to the bottom of Devon's childhood trauma.

  • 40s Paul (39-49, Black)

    Younger version of a character who also shows up in his 60s in the script. Self-involved and hurt, but doing his best numb himself to avoid feeling the weight of all the loss he's had to experience.

  • 60s Paul (59-69, Black) Older version of a character who also shows up in his 40s in the script. Tired, wanting to heal his relationship with his son Devon while he still has time left.
vee hua 華婷婷
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