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Casting - "The one of the girl" - non-binary romance thing

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Lucas Salm-Rojo

Jun 12, 2024, 3:05:08 PM6/12/24
to Northwest Film Forum Callboard
Hello I'm Lucas Salm-Rojo (they/them), I am directing a little 10-page short. Title TBD but working title is "the one of the girl".

Two cool artsy folk think they are in love but then they aren't and one ghosts the other and the other one tries to reconcile that while they go through a major change in their life.

We are going to shoot over 3 days sometime near the end of june or beginning of july.

shooting in Seattle/Ballard

unpaid but I will get some absolutely delish crafty for us.

Looking for:
Sue - 19-20 year old non-binary photographer. Has abandonment issues but also is very strong-willed.
Lily - 19-20 year old female. writer/poet. Ghosts Sue is a really mean way.

Reach out to me at with your resume or reel or something to show your acting prowess.

If you want to make sure I am a real person you can check my website


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