Variables with the same non-blank name are constrained to be equal
Number of frozen variables = 1
Frozen variables = 9
!!! You are using internal coordinates for the optimization but applying
!!! constraints on the Cartesian coordinates by only computing gradients
!!! for a subset of the atoms (via geometry:actlist). This does not
!!! currently work. Either,
!!! 1) Retain the Cartesian constraints and perform the optimization
!!! entirely in Cartesians by specifying the coordinates in
!!! cartesians and using the NOAUTOZ keyword on the GEOMETRY directive
!!! or
!!! 2) Remove the Cartesian constraints and perform the optimization
!!! in redundant internal coordinates. To remove the Cartesian
!!! constraints remove the "set geometry:actlist ..." directive from
!!! startup jobs, or use "unset geometry:actlist" in restart jobs.
driver: cartesian constraints+internals 0
current input line :
38: task dft optimize
There is an error related to the specified geometry
For more information see the NWChem manual at For further details see manual section: