faster NMR coupling calculation

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Attila Balázs

Sep 21, 2021, 10:04:19 AM9/21/21
to NWChem Forum
Dear list, 

We would like to calculate a big couple of molecules H spin-spin couplings. But the test run looks wery slow. This running 48 hours. Here is the input file:

memory total 16 gb
restart haloperidol_nmr_couplings

title "haloperidol NMR spin-spin coupling test"

charge 0

geometry units angstroms print xyz autosym
Cl        -2.95350        9.35840        0.50610
F          5.30580        5.24650       -2.05990
O         -3.63330        2.82170       -1.27210
O          4.38050        0.33690        1.93490
N         -0.76010        1.17340        0.43840
C         -2.66220        3.35770       -0.38640
C         -1.28960        3.07280       -1.05900
C         -2.77230        2.53150        0.93210
C         -0.75320        1.63380       -0.95570
C         -2.14350        1.12500        0.92040
C         -0.10960       -0.13570        0.60060
C         -2.76890        4.87820       -0.12060
C          1.42680       -0.04930        0.48170
C         -3.57090        5.68530       -0.94280
C         -1.98500        5.49770        0.86720
C          2.09010        0.83950        1.56450
C         -3.63450        7.06250       -0.74500
C         -2.04770        6.87490        1.06470
C          3.58770        1.06890        1.33590
C         -2.87670        7.65200        0.26190
C          4.01940        2.18770        0.42980
C          3.09070        2.96810       -0.28010
C          5.38910        2.45780        0.28050
C          3.52710        3.99430       -1.11470
C          5.81800        3.48580       -0.55570
C          4.88670        4.24970       -1.24910
H         -1.34130        3.36070       -2.11000
H         -0.52020        3.75240       -0.69100
H         -2.37950        3.06570        1.79470
H         -3.82270        2.44590        1.21280
H          0.26630        1.63960       -1.34210
H         -1.31070        0.94840       -1.59910
H         -2.74150        0.41440        0.34400
H         -2.14590        0.75450        1.94830
H         -0.33560       -0.52580        1.59590
H         -0.50990       -0.86280       -0.11020
H          1.82260       -1.06240        0.57580
H          1.71300        0.25150       -0.52680
H         -4.42240        2.62680       -0.75110
H         -4.15580        5.24920       -1.74090
H         -1.30780        4.92190        1.48230
H          1.59580        1.80730        1.63330
H          1.95550        0.39070        2.54830
H         -4.26590        7.67140       -1.37660
H         -1.44610        7.33960        1.83330
H          2.02520        2.79900       -0.20540
H          6.13500        1.87690        0.80900
H          2.81390        4.59460       -1.66060
H          6.87200        3.69370       -0.66950

 * library 6-31+G**

  direct filesize 0 memsize 500000000 

  mult 1
  xc b3lyp
  grid fine
  convergence fast
  iterations 200 


#task dft optimize
task dft energy
task dft freq

  spinspin 5  28 29 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

task dft property

Attila Balázs

Sep 21, 2021, 12:39:51 PM9/21/21
to NWChem Forum
I accidentally sent it before I finished the full letter, here are some comments:
  • I don't want to use smaller basis.  We would like put the calculations in to an article.
  • We have ~130 molecules for calculating, 
  • System is an Ubuntu 18.04.5, officially .deb package from the github. I do not compile it for myself, but if it's neccesearly I can do it.
  • This run 8 processor core, 16Gbyte ram, minimised the disk usage.
  • When I did not setup the disk usage, the temporarly files size was 600-700Gbyte. And continously read and write it.
So, any idea how can the NWchem do faster this calculation?

Edoardo Aprà

Sep 21, 2021, 12:44:41 PM9/21/21
to NWChem Forum
Could you change the basis set from cartesian (default) to spherical? This is not going to have only a modest improvement in time to solution, but it could improve numerical stability (therefore requiring fewer SCF cycles to converge and/or CPHF iterations)
basis spherical
 * library 6-31+G**

Are you using 8 cores in your runs? Is your computer free of any other heavy process running?

If you have 16Gb total and use 8 processes, then you should ask only 16/8=2GB in your input line

Edoardo Aprà

Sep 21, 2021, 12:45:55 PM9/21/21
to NWChem Forum
Why did you set
mult 1
If it is a singlet, you make the calculation 2x more expensive by choosing odft.

Attila Balázs

Sep 23, 2021, 9:47:29 AM9/23/21
to NWChem Forum
Hi Edoardo, 

The computer what I am using is for calculations, so now I've got some source to calculate. (24core, 50Gbyte ram, what I can use now)

The answer your second question, is here:
The calculation run in to an error, without the odft flag. I tryed it now. I have the same error message:
Indirect spin-spin coupling not calculated for RHF
      wave functions: needs UHF wave function
I don't know this is a bug or a feature?

Edoardo Aprà

Sep 23, 2021, 1:42:02 PM9/23/21
to NWChem Forum
You are right, I forgot about this.

The only other suggestion I have is to check how NWChem was installed ... did you compile it yourself?
What value of ARMCI_NETWORK did you choose?
Do you plan to perform just single node runs or multi-node runs, too?

Attila Balázs

Sep 24, 2021, 10:18:32 AM9/24/21
to NWChem Forum
This is the standard release from github:  nwchem_7.0.2-1_amd64.ubuntu_bionic.deb, nothing special. I don't want to compile. 
But if necessarly I can compile it.

And we  perform a single node run.
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