Dear all,
It seems to me that the basis set library that ships with NWchem is not consistent with the Basis Set Exchange or other programs like ORCA 5 and Molpro.
I tried a test calculation for the EtH + F· system, and was extremely surprised to find that the ROHF/AVDZ energy is lower than expected. Apparently NWchem, for some reason unknown to me, uses a different definition of the aug-cc-pVDZ basis set that contains a few extra basis functions, thus lowering the energy.
Pasting the appropriate output from BSE into the NWchem input brings the computed energy into agreement with other software.
Does anyone know why NWchem does not use the same definition of "aug-cc-pVDZ" as BSE and other programs? As I said, not even the number of basis functions matched. Is this intentional or a bug? If it is intentional, I feel like this is something that should be plastered all over the manual, like the different B3LYP definitions.