Try Vegan Week PDX

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Jan 18, 2008, 2:15:59 PM1/18/08
to NW Veg Book Club
A new idea is in the air here in Portland.... a week revolving around
veganism, in which omnivores and vegetarians are asked to try veganism
for just a week. Vegan mentors will be provided for those who need
them, and there will be tons of activities, such as a large Vegan Prom
Night, speakers, and a bike rally.

I thought it would be of particular interest to this group since the
program is largely inspired by the work of Bob and Jenna Torres. A
group in Scotland, inspired by the Vegan Freak podcast, hosted a much
smaller event with only 4 organizers and there are folks that attended
their event who have been vegan since. PDXers on the Vegan Freak
forums started tossing around the idea of doing one in Portland--- if
they can get several new vegans in Scotland, we can get at least 100
in the land of the vegan minimall.

The date is still tentative. It was originally planned for June, as a
follow up to Veg Fest. All of those folks who got revved up about
veganism at Veg Fest would be provided with concrete help to make the
transition during Try Vegan Week. The NW Veg members helping out
mentioned that they would like more young blood in the organization,
and suggested moving the program to September so that it would overlap
with the beginning of the college semester. Within the next few weeks
we should know the exact dates.

If you're interested in volunteering, email David Agranoff at and he'll give you the details and fill you in on
ways that you can help.

Casadi Marino

Jan 18, 2008, 11:19:24 PM1/18/08
May I forward this to the veggie social workers list?

> Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2008 11:15:59 -0800
> Subject: Try Vegan Week PDX
> From:
> To:


Jan 18, 2008, 11:45:36 PM1/18/08
I would ask David first.. it's his love child right now.


Barrett C. McInnis

Jan 19, 2008, 11:38:30 AM1/19/08
I know a couple members of the NW VEG board have been involved in the planning of this. I'm excited about it!  Just FYI, there's a veg community meet n' great type thing happening at FoodFight! on 1/27 (Sunday) from 6-8p. 
There might be more info on their blog.  I'll be there representing NW VEG.
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