Cloned Meat

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Jan 15, 2008, 4:33:15 PM1/15/08
to NW Veg Book Club
There has been a lot of discussion on the radio today about cloned
meat and dairy hitting the market and I want to scream! The
discussion has been mostly about how safe it is and there has not been
sufficient outrage over the fact that such products will hit the
market without being labeled. We all must write our congressmen and
tell them to reconsider this issue!!! Since we are reading Making A
Killing right now, it also has me thinking about how cloned meat
separates the consumer even further from understanding that they food
they are eating is a sentient being that has been commodified and I
can't help but think that this will further the exploitation of
animals. It reminds me of that movie The Island, with Scarlet
Johannson and Ewan McGregor where these clones are stored in a secret
facility and harvested for their body parts as humans need them. The
clones themselves have no rights - they are just clones. I want to
take action on this issue.

Casadi Marino

Jan 15, 2008, 5:05:02 PM1/15/08
They just can't know that it is safe for humans to put science experiments in their bodies. It is certainly unsafe for one's emotional well-being and relationship to the rest of the world of souls.  And it's just too gross. Next they'll be eating my cells.  I'll have to see that movie.

> Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2008 13:33:15 -0800
> Subject: Cloned Meat
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