Above all, I want nvc-evolves to serve as a live lab to find out what really works and what really doesn't work in for connection, compassion, and clarity. So, here goes ...
I had a familiar "ick" (and heart-closing) response to Susan's "needs" expression below. I'm guessing that my reaction is typical, and I'd like to check out my guess, for my own learning and to help us all distinguish faux needs from deep, expansive (heart-opening) expressions of need. (Please see see
http://evolve.awakeningcompassion.com/posts/distracted-by-faux-needs/ .)
For Susan, would you please try the Body-Clarity test on the faux needs blog post and let me know what you get. And see what other needs surface?
For Gedding and others, what kind of
initial reaction (before inner damage-control self-empathy and empathy for Susan) did you have to Susan's "needs" expression. (For instance, inspiration, joy, expansiveness, or more like defensiveness, irritation, restriction.)
- Conal
On Thu, Oct 2, 2008 at 8:16 AM, Susan L
<su...@propeace.net> wrote:
It would provide focus and meaning for this discussion as well as meet
my needs for transparency and authenticity if you would provide the
context for which you are seeking this as-yet-unknown word.