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An Invitation to participate in NVC - Focusing integration & evolution

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Nov 20, 2008, 5:37:24 PM11/20/08
to NVC Evolves
Hello All,

I would like to invite you to be a part of what I hold as an exciting
development in the understanding, practice and teaching of Nonviolent

For a number of years now, throughout my time as an NVC aficionado, I
have occasionally heard people speak positively of the compatibility
of NVC with the Focusing process ( I have been
pleased with this, for Focusing is something which has always appealed
to me on a very deep level, in addition to NVC.

As time went on, I started noticing more and more the use of "getting
in touch" with one's bodily-felt sensations as being a part of the
practice of NVC. An example of this is the "Dwelling in the Beauty of
the Needs" process developed by Robert Gonzales - and others exist as
well. This all has excited me, for I see this as a practical use of
the Focusing process integrated in with Nonviolent Communication.

Recently, there has been a surge of interest in NVC from people within
the Focusing community. From this desire for integrating the two
practices, a book has been published by the Focusing Institute (http://, other
writings have been produced, and a new Google group dedicated
specifically to this topic has been created. It is this group which
has inspired me to write you.

I would live to invite all Nonviolent Communication practitioners who
also have interest and experience with the Focusing process to join
this new Google group.

This group exists to collectively explore and evolve the various ways
that an integrated Nonviolent Communication <--> Focusing process can
look like in the practice, the theoretical understanding, and the
teaching of it all.

To assist us in this, it has been proposed that we use the Thinking at
the Edge (TAE) processes first developed by Eugene Gendlin (http:// to guide us in the next steps of developing
further the potential that we sense exists within of crossing these
two practices.

Additionally, with this Google group we can collect and list
associated materials, share working documents, and link off to
existing resources related to all of this.

If you are interested in being a part of this, and have the
qualifications of being a practitioner of both Nonviolent
Communication and Focusing, here is how to join the group:

- First, if you do not have one already, set up a Gmail account for
yourself. You can do so by going here:

- Secondly, go to this page and apply to join the group:

- You will receive notice once you have been added to the group, after
which, please introduce yourself to the group, and let the fun begin!

I look forward to seeing you on the group, reading your contributions,
and sensing your presence.

I wish you all the best.


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