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A statement for diversity

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Ian Mayes

Jan 14, 2010, 12:00:46 PM1/14/10
to NVC Evolves
Hey all,

Recently the Focusing Institute ("TFI" for short, their web-site is: came out with a "Diversity Statement" for their
organization in regards to the practice of Focusing. I am wondering -
perhaps this statement could be presented to the CNVC as a model for
how they could relate to NVC?

A question for folks on this list - do you imagine that the CNVC
adopting such a statement could meet your needs for trust in relating
with NVC in ways that are open, free, respectful and in integrity with
your values?

Here is the statement:

"TFI Diversity Statement

Focusing is a practice that honors what arises freshly in the moment.
Frozen structures of any kind are antithetical to the ethic of
Focusing. Therefore, the Focusing Institute takes as a core value the
principle that the practice of Focusing, how it is taught by certified
Focusing teachers, and its application in different fields will not be
standardized. Diversity of approaches will be protected. Constructive
critiques among Focusing Trainers or between TFI and individuals
presenting or applying Focusing are welcome and should be offered by
means of open, respectful communication. TFI itself will seek to honor
the values of non-standardization in its operations while recognizing
that tension can arise between maximum diversity and the need for
effectiveness and efficiency in meeting its goals."

I am wishing you all the best!

- Ian

Conal Elliott

Jan 14, 2010, 6:31:12 PM1/14/10
Hi Ian,

I have some confusion & dissonance.  I read the proposal as saying "let's all agree that we don't have to all agree about things".  (We want uniformity of diversity?  Conformity to non-conformity?  Enslavement to freedom?)

Also, I'm puzzled about how TGI or CNVC or anyone could embrace both certification and non-standardization.  Any insights?

And I'm concerned that such a statement is a sort of vague wish.  Ambiguous enough that we won't be able to measure how well/badly the wish is being fulfilled.

> Do you imagine that the CNVC adopting such a statement could meet your needs for trust in relating with NVC in ways that are open, free, respectful and in integrity?

Sounds like a faux need to me (  See what I mean?  I don't get a sense of what matters to you in trying to deal with CNVC at all and in particular around getting them to adopt a diversity statement.

   - Conal

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Angela Harms

Jan 17, 2010, 12:55:43 PM1/17/10
to NVC Evolves
Wow. How would that work? What would such a statement mean? What would
certification look like?

This statement seems like something CNVC couldn't adopt, and still
remain the kind of organization it is. Do you see it differently, Ian?


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