A Sad Goodby for Now

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Craig Sones Cornell

Oct 3, 2008, 4:12:39 PM10/3/08
to NVC Evolves
Conal and the NVC Evolves Tower (a group of giraffes):

I have had all of my posts blocked recently, even one’s that were
short. I have invited Conal to exchange empathy, to put needs on the
table and see if we could find a strategy where both our needs could
be met, but by inaction I guess Conal is declining. I may or may not
post here from time-to-time and Conal may or may not from time-to-time
pass them through. But not imaging what else to do, I invite those of
you who want to have exchanges that are not restricted by Conal’s
particular preferences and needs for "play/work", I suggest you surf
over to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/PonderingNVC/.

I will particularly miss Gedding, Niklas, Angela, and Lea as well as
others of you. You can e-mail me if your want by going to any one of
my posts and clicking appropriately.


Conal Elliott

Oct 3, 2008, 5:21:35 PM10/3/08
to nvc-e...@googlegroups.com
Hi Craig.  I'm glad to hear you've already found an alternative to this list.  From the group description, it sounds like a better fit than nvc-evolves for what you want.  And thanks much for sharing your recommendation for others in the group to check out.  I'd love to see some fresh energy stirred up on PonderingNVC!

I've passed through both of your recent short posts and not your two recent long ones.  I saw both of those posts as being on-topic for threads that are off-topic (as I mentioned to you briefly at the time).  I hope you find a venue for discussing them.  About your invitation to exchange empathy etc, I'm waiting for my hungry duck to say "now".

All the best,

    - Conal
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