Conal and the NVC Evolves Tower (a group of giraffes):
I have had all of my posts blocked recently, even one’s that were
short. I have invited Conal to exchange empathy, to put needs on the
table and see if we could find a strategy where both our needs could
be met, but by inaction I guess Conal is declining. I may or may not
post here from time-to-time and Conal may or may not from time-to-time
pass them through. But not imaging what else to do, I invite those of
you who want to have exchanges that are not restricted by Conal’s
particular preferences and needs for "play/work", I suggest you surf
over to
I will particularly miss Gedding, Niklas, Angela, and Lea as well as
others of you. You can e-mail me if your want by going to any one of
my posts and clicking appropriately.