FormMule and CopyDown has stopped functioning - only 'HELP' appears

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Rhys Andrews

Jun 20, 2024, 9:24:49 PM (13 days ago) Jun 20
to NV Form Mule Add-on
I see this has been reported a few times in the past 12 hours or so, but I figure it's worth reporting it again so people get a sense of how widespread it is. To detail the issue:
  • Only copy down and formmule is impacted. Autocrat and others are still functional.
  • From the add-ons menu, the only option that appears for these add-ons is "Help".
  • The functionality of the add-ons is not working - no emails being triggered, no formulas being copied down.
  • The problem is appearing in 2 of 3 instances of Google Workspace that I manage. In the 'working' instance, the add-ons are still working for existing spreadsheets (with the 'open' option appearing in the menu; though I'm too afraid to select it!), but if I create a new spreadsheet, only the help option appears.
I have not tried removing and reinstalling the add-on, given others are experiencing the same issue I don't think it's worth trying.

Needless to say this has a significant impact to our business operations, but that's a risk we took. Hopefully there is a solution soon =)

Joseph Schmidt

Jun 20, 2024, 10:15:54 PM (13 days ago) Jun 20
to, NewVisions CloudLab (via Google Docs)
Thanks for the summary.  Both Formmule and CopyDown are working for me.

I just created a new form and spreadsheet.  I was able to use both Formmule and CopyDown.

I don't know how to help solve the problem.  

Here are some ideas.  

Make sure the country is correct.

Please complete this form.  It might help NewVisions solve the problem.

As was mentioned in the email, these are use at your own risk Add-ons.

I hope if we can collect some data that we will be able to see a pattern. 

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Rhys Andrews

Jun 20, 2024, 11:13:24 PM (13 days ago) Jun 20
to NV Form Mule Add-on
Thanks Joe, I have submitted that form.
What do you mean by checking the country is correct? If you mean the locale settings, yes they are correct, but the menu doesn't appear even for a new spreadsheet regardless of the locale. I have tried with multiple accounts in the organisation too.
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Rhys Andrews

Jun 23, 2024, 11:15:17 PM (10 days ago) Jun 23
to NV Form Mule Add-on
In the developer console I get this error message:
"Google Apps Script: You do not have access to library NVSLSheetUtils, used by your script, or it has been deleted."

I can still use formMule on 2 of my 3 organisations by signing into the primary administrator account. But even other super admins do not work, and the message above appears in the console.

Supporting Officer

Jun 24, 2024, 12:27:04 AM (10 days ago) Jun 24
to NV Form Mule Add-on
excuse me, i have the same problem. what should I do now ?

Vormingen WGK Limburg

Jun 24, 2024, 2:15:02 AM (10 days ago) Jun 24
Is there any update from developer(s)?

Op ma 24 jun 2024 om 06:27 schreef Supporting Officer <>:

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Events Seoul

Jun 24, 2024, 2:24:19 AM (10 days ago) Jun 24
i checked another email and it is working fine. Is there any restrictions of using this plug-in? I have already used it for more than 1500 email notifications this year as far as I remember

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Rhys Andrews

Jun 26, 2024, 6:55:56 PM (8 days ago) Jun 26
to NV Form Mule Add-on
Form Mule and CopyDown are working again for me, thanks CloudLab for your work on this and for continuing to support free and useful add-ons.
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