New Research July 2021- transfer of fibromyalgia from Human to Lab Animal, IgG antibody mechanism

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Joseph Arabasz MD

Sep 14, 2021, 11:46:33 PM9/14/21
Subject: New Research July 2021- transfer of fibromyalgia from Human to Lab Animal, IgG antibody mechanism
Dear Topica,
                                                                                                                                                                    I hope this note finds You well                                                                                                                                                   


     Was surprised to find this Research Article since some have described fibromyalgia and CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) as one and the same disease process

     Perhaps the severe hypoxia seen at the capillary level and unusual new products of metabolism, etc which would elicit an antigen response, would then react with other usually non-allergenic structures of the body causing inflammation and discomfort

     chronic, severe discomfort appears to cause fatigue and irritability

     fibromyalgia is part of the constellation of symptoms seen with the CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) spectrum of diseases, eg CFIDS (chronic fatigue immune deficiency), myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome aka ME/CFS, &c
     Some are of the opinion that the CFS and PTSD are essentially the same disease

     Have seen Medical Journal comments that some antibodies last years in Humans, vs weeks with these Lab Animals since the IgG used was foreign to them, which might make for a prolonged Recovery

Best wishes always

Thank you for your assistance with this matter


Joseph W Arabasz MD
S/P USAF, Top Secret 1964-69
University of Colorado at Boulder 1972, CU School of Medicine '75, '77, '83
Past Division Chairman, Anesthesiology, Cook County Hospital, Chicago, Illinois
Past Chairman, Respiratory Therapy, Cook County Hospital, Chicago
Diplomate ABA
Sigma Xi, The Professional Science Research Society
PO Box 6939
Denver, CO 80206
USA (2001-2014 site closed/open)


Jul 27, 2021 NEJM Review
fibromyalgia Symptoms Can Be Transferred from Humans to Lab Animals
Infusion of immunoglobulin G from fibromyalgia patients caused fibromyalgia-like symptoms in Lab Animals

IgG transfer of fibromyalgia symptoms from patients to Lab Animals
Published July 1, 2021

Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is a chronic pain condition 
characterized by widespread pain, augmented pain sensitivity to
mechanical pressure and cold temperatures, as well as
fatigue and emotional distress. The prevalence of FMS is at
a couple percent of the Population, and approximately 
80% of FMS patients are women
     The prevalence rises to 10%–30% among patients diagnosed
with autoimmune rheumatological conditions, and FMS is
thus one of the most common chronic pain conditions. The etiology 
and pathophysiology of FMS are not completely understood

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