sleep disorders as sequellae of covid19

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Joseph Arabasz MD

Mar 29, 2021, 3:49:58 PM3/29/21
Dear Topica,
                             the CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) was originally named the post viral syndrome

And it is known by other terms- CFIDS (chronic fatigue immune deficiency syndrome) with myalgic complications

European Medical Literature has referred to it as the systolic hypotensive syndrome, etc

Best wishes always




EDITORIAL (paraphrased)

understanding the neurological effects


"The concept of covid19 sequellae has gained prominence in recent months, with some patients reporting persistent neurological manifestations, from milder symptoms such as headaches, hyposmia, hypogeusia,

(Medical definition of hypogeusia- decreased sensitivity to taste)

and fatigue to more severe conditions including sleep disorders, myalgia, cognitive impairment, and (in very rare cases) Guillain-Barré syndrome

     WHO updated their living guidance for the clinical management of COVID-19 in January on caring for patients with persistent, new symptoms after suspected or confirmed COVID-19
      The guidance notes that clinical characterisation of covid19 isn't complete and, therefore, further study on long-term sequelae is necessary

    Multiple initiatives to gather clinical neurological data about COVID-19, with the aims to aid management and to understand the long-term clinical manifestations of the disease, were launched last year-

European Academy of Neurology established the NeuroCOVID-19 task force and began collating resources for neurologists who prepare for and manage this medical crisis. A year on, the task force has accomplished some goals, including producing a consensus statement on the management of patients with neurological diseases and COVID-19. The European Academy of Neurology core NeuroCOVID-19 task force has created the ENERGY registry to evaluate the prevalence of neurological manifestations in patients with confirmed COVID-19, the findings of which are expected to be published later. European Academy of Neurology has also established collaborations with several organisations, including a formal collaboration with the Neurocritical Care Society in the USA


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