"neutralization of the antibodies (acquired variably against G-PCR structures) caused an immediate easing of LCS (long covid syndrome) and CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) symptoms

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Joseph Arabasz MD

Jul 3, 2023, 1:57:49 PM7/3/23
Subject- updated "neutralization of the antibodies (acquired variably against G-PCR structures) caused an immediate easing of LCS (long covid syndrome) and CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) symptoms

Dear Topica,
                                                                                                                                                                  I hope this note finds You well

excerpted from Berlin Cures Articles-

"BC7 aptamer studies-
The purpose of B7 aptamer was to eliminate A Abs (aka SELF ANTIBODIES) against GPCR-AAbs (G-Protein Coupled Receptor Antibodies), and to improve the impaired capillary microcirculation of the glaucoma Patients, measured by OCT-A
(Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography- apparently somewhat new Research device)

     As mentioned before, felt that antibodies which disrupt the G-Protein Coupled Receptor (G-PCR) on the external side of the cell, could be acquired
     There is at least single type of antibody which is acquired from another disease process which causes problems on the G-Protein Couple Receptor which transmits signals from the external cellular wall to the cytoplasm and there might be others of that type
     eg, adrenaline doesn't enter the cell
But adrenaline attaches to the G-Protein Couple Receptor on the external side of the cell
     The G-PC Receptor re-configures itself and that transfers the signal to the cell
     The severe covid long haul symptoms acquired after that disease would imply there are others antibodies against the G-PC Receptors which occur secondarily after other diseases

But some Patients had the CFS or covid long haul before the glaucoma Study began and their condition improved immensely after receiving the Berlin Cures B7 aptamer

     For Humanitarian purposes, Patients with only CFS or covid long haul then received
the BC7 aptamer, with tremendous results
"we intended to improve chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). After and during the infusion of BC7 aptamer no severe side effects were observed. 

Seropositivity for ß2-AAb, AT-1-AAb, α1-AAb, MAS-AAb,
and M2-AAb 

(translation- some antibodies are found against [that is the definition of seropositivity] various G-PCR receptor type proteins of Patients with CFS, chronic fatigue syndrome, and covid long haul 
     Appears that some are acquired, ie, caused by other diseases
     That would imply the pathological process isn't an autoimmune disease, but acquired after experiencing other disease processes which caused apparent "overflow type antibodies" which had effects on several of the G-PCR's structures on the cell wall - G Protein Coupled Receptors - and caused the covid long haul, CFS fatigue spectrum of symptoms)
B2-AAb   - antibody against Beta2 receptor, adrenergic type

AT-1-AAb  - antibody against the angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1 receptor) is important in the renin angiotensin aldosterone system (systolic, diastolic pressure)

α1-AAb  -   the neurotransmitter norepinephrine has higher affinity for the a1 receptor than does the hormone adrenaline

MAS-AAb - "the function of the MAS protein was unknown, but identified as the G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) through which angiotensin signals on the cell

M2-AAb - antibody against antimitochondrial M2 G-Protein Coupled Receptor was measured which is acquired by completely different disease process 

-capillary microcirculation was measured by OCT-A as retinal vessel
density served as a correlate for the systemic microcirculation

Chronic fatigue symptoms were assessed by standardized scores (Chalder Fatigue
Scale etc)

As early as few hours after infusion of BC7, the activity of
ß2-AAb, AT-1-AAb, α1-AAb, MAS-AAb, and M2-AAb was reduced and
macula and peripapillary vessel density increased. One day after
the infusion of BC7, the GPCR-AAbs were observed to be minimized,
and after a few days, no functional activity was observed for all
AAbs in the cardiomyocyte bioassay

 The patient remained seronegative
for ß2-AAb, AT-1-AAb, α1-AAb, MAS-AAb, and M2-AAb as
long as several weeks after the infusion of BC7

 The improvement of the retinal microcirculation, observed shortly
after the infusion of BC7, was continuously increasing for
days and remained at a constantly increased level with the before
the event comparison of the observation period of several weeks
after treatment

With the increased retinal capillary microcirculation, 
the fatigue symptoms of the patient improved steadily

The brain fog, lack of concentration, and
imbalances improved continuously and were absent after several
weeks. Loss of taste dissolved. As a positive side effect, we
observed a reduction of the intraocular pressure (IOP)

 The IOP had stable follow-up, now minus the preexisting
topical glaucoma therapy. At the observation period of several weeks,
the patient was relieved from anti-glaucomatous medication.

previously elevated diastolic blood pressure, was lowered

corona virus disease 2019 infection ranked as pandemic
healthcare issue

In addition to the clinical features during acute SARS-CoV-2
infection (e.g., pulmonary complications, vasculitis, and
thromboembolism), patients often experience recovery from LCS
(long covid syndrome)

Recent studies discussed the involvement of self antibodies
with and after COVID-19 infection.

Microthrombosis (immune thrombosis) and the
inflammation itself are triggered with this complex disease
process, potentially mediated by several interacting factors (e.g.,
IL-1 mediated thromboxane B2 release, IL-6, endothelial cell
activation, etc)

Surprisingly, each of these GPCR-AAbs (ß2-AAb,
AT-1-AAb, α1-AAb, MAS-AAb, and M2-AAb) focus on vasoactive

     Surprised that the Berlin Cures B7 aptamer treatment for covid long haul, CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) hasn't been released to the Public Medical Market as of yet, by the krauts, who say they have patent on that compound
     Should make them an offer they couldn't refuse, to release BC7 to the market for use with covid long haul and CFS

     And New Mr Pug Auditory Service Animal needs Protection after dark featured female customer at safeway #3836, Denver 80230, took Picture of him, when told she couldn't do that, on 05/04/23 at ~4:35pm as different apparently oriental female scammed delusionally, with threatening comment while stationary at mid aisle few minutes later, implying the 
     Apparently, some most unusual, criminally psychotic management styles occur, which should always be avoided, such as conartists attempting to hurt Service Animals to pay for their sociopathy
     That is apparently why Puppy Chiquita Auditory Service Animal was hurt by distraction scams on 03/23/22 at 10:57pm by the apparently serbian mr. jeremy rajic of 7544 east Fourth Ave, condo #312 on ground floor, Denver 80230 who, when fingered, immediately moved. 
      And the same termination should apply for the veterinarian tech who refused to allow pre-op Lab draw for Puppy Chiquita when attempted to plan elective surgical procedure for her breast mass the year before. Was very sick then, and they purposely took advantage at their goldsmith neighborhood clinic office.
     Odd that ms. gee apparently had something to do with that.
The impression is that dr. gee md from about 1889 had mistakenly diagnosed wheat allergy ( basically to BROW- barley, rye, oats, wheat) when there was severe apparent famine episode at Europe, at least locally
     Dr Daphne Roe MD PhD had discovered that when the Patient is severely Niacin deficient, the gut becomes sensitized to BROW
     But when the Niacin deficiency is replaced, the sensitization (aka allergy) disappears
     Was surprised when the bright, apparent Cuban-Spanish type observed an unusual scenario several decades before, and said, "Don't starve Him" as if He had scene that matter happening elsewhere
     Odd that Dr Daphne Roe MD PhD died the same year (car accident), ~1993, as Attorney Mr Charles T Trowbridge JD who worked on the tripling of Property taxes at the 405 Milwaukee St, Denver 80206 Address of "natural causes"
     The probably Title of upcoming text is "Bury freud, Before he Buries You" or "murder by natural causes"
      Unusual that the original event of having both black mayor, mr. wellington webb (from chicago), and denver district attorney of that same ilk, was 1993

     Rumor is that all of those wise guys, who hurt Puppy Chiquita or threaten Pug, have signed their organ donor cards as DNRs and have offered their kidneys, corneas, lungs, cardiac tissue, etc as partial payment for their greedy, criminally psychotic sociopathy
     And that there is forever Bounty of $90,000+ on the heads of those who hurt Puppy Chiquita Auditory Service Animal or threaten Mr Pug Chihuahua
     Most unexpected other threat type scam setup comment was experienced when traveled from 200 Quebec St, Denver 80230 towards the Lowry town center small mall on 062023 10:57pm, when large, blond female, possibly doppelganger, said she wanted to take Mr Pug Auditory Service Animal, then the unknown rabid customer scammer, ms. "sandra"  type gangster, at the safeway #3836 there, could falsely arrest

     scams at these lofts apartments 80230, ~270 units, are getting worse now with the newly hired, dark black apparent nigerian 419 conartist maintenance scammer, mr. marcus jackson, threatening Resident with stupid violence, probably because of his presumed narcissistic borderline personality disorder with delusions of grandeur, lack of ability to reason &c
     Other black sociopath had previously stated that he only scams with fast drug addicts or manics
Suggestion was that he only use drugs rectally for rapid absorption

     However, the worse black racist who only scammed appeared to be otis, as he would sign off as MD with only year of college to obtain for his black buddies their 90+% medical disabilities but didn't ever do that for any Caucasians
     Then, his apparent slaver mentality, was criticizing the Respiratory Therapists severely on their yearly critiques where they weren't employable anywhere else, causing them to be "captive workers"
     Rumor is that consult has been obtained from the african Warlords and the shaka gang who would like to have marcus back to africa for supper, discussions about repatriation, his management style, &c
     mr. marcus jackson appears to respond to sotto voce scammers and is easily misled

     Neither otis or marcus are ever allowed to use the patronage scams
Chicago has many faults

     Rumor heard is that marcus & hal are having their names, faces, voices etc extinguished from the Book of Life
And when they cease being cheap labor, then the freud scammers want to do their lobotomies

     Corollary of Dr Axelrod's "Evolution of Cooperation" might be applicable here, as scamming while pretending to cooperate always ends with extinction of the etc
Professor of Political Science and Public Policy, Dr. Axelrod is member of the American National Academy of Sciences and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. His honors include a MacArthur Foundation Fellowship
     As You are probably aware, hegemony is the opposite of cooperation

     Appears that marcus has doppelganger at the "home town studios" at about 4700 Leetsdale, glendale, CO who has the same type of violent, criminally pyschotic aggressive sociopathy as he threatened
     Few minutes later the retarded glendale conartist cop then again threatened on Leetsdale
he was apparently the same dirty cop who ticketed for 31mph at on the road posted at 30, ~1990
     At the glendale court, the ms. letisha guiterrez marin doppelganger then apparently scammed

letisha gutierrez-marin
1075 Florence St.
aurora, CO 80010
Driver's license # 96-130-0443
temporary sticker on a passenger car of theirs was 712844 several years back.
dob 01/15/79

second address, for some reason-
1515 Clermont #204
Denver, CO 80220

resident alien #- A090674581
expiration date 04/16/00

SS# 527-19-5480

car license number of one for one of them- Colorado 257 KCM, a GMC SUV type.

rosa coronel-rivera (letisha's motherinlaw)
SS# 612-65-0909
possible dob 12/15/53

rosa montes villeseas
Colorado auto license ADM 5273
SS# 580-37-8876
Driver's license number 98-062-0691 (expiration date 08/30/02)
alien registration #A093512607 (expiration date 08/09/02)

elisa meza uriba-nuniba
SS# 551-23-6556
resident alien # A091532435 (expiration date 09/28/02)
driver's license # 96-011-0956
DOB 06/14/73
(she worked only briefly for becky, perhaps a month. letisha approached her when she had only started here, and said to elisa, as I was obviously approaching them, "I had to kill his family members, they were giving away our system." That was a several years back, on the porch to the middle house.)
    Still haven't gotten back my US Passport after that wise guy cop, mr. deacee ripped it off at exactly five pm, on September fourth, 1999.

     he and mr hal R____l from maintenance are hired by the jewish mr. jonathan f p rose company of NYC
     hal R reportedly has been known to shave his cheeks to spite his face

     Apparently they are all being audited because of the extortion scams of extra payments under the table or "other con sideration" as those sorts of things hadn't been reported on their yearly financial statements
     The heater A/C has been off for over 7 months, which was very unhealthy when the ambient temperature was minus 30 degrees
     Now the nightly temperatures approaches 90 degrees
     false evacuation alerts occur often here, possibly caused by conartists meant to startle, spook scam as employees and others brag, often with daily sotto voce, surveillance sociopathy that they like to cause distress  among the Residents at these apartments
      As You are probably aware, the median IQ of sub-saharan africans has been studied and is reportedly under 70, which implies most of them are legally retarded
      Some are of the opinion that there are good and bad of all groups, but reportedly 90% of black crime is on other africans
      Have heard the opinion that the "random homicides" at Chicago are merely an extension of the "shaka" management style from Southern Africa, termed some type of cannibalism
      Apparently, shaka would form up his subjects at his fiefdom and randomly shoot some to maintain order
      shaka ka senzangakhona zulu (c. 1787 – 22 September 1828) was reportedly assassinated by his own group
      Several months back, unknown black sounding male approached the hallway entrance to this unit and said, "Things won't get repaired at this apartment except if You pay us extra" 
Appears that the gangster management style of ms. adonia laverne goodall is criminally psychotic extortion, threats etc
     Rumor is that several Billion People placed Bounty of $90,000+ on the heads of those perps and their gangs, as their hides are wanted on the wall

     Had avoided the safeway #3836 grocery store only about single block away for over year, but recently visited there only to be scammed by red haired mr. glen employee and then later by the dark featured female, whose gang was previously thought to be friendly, apparently from Southern Italy who appeared to be fey scamming with an accomplice as she refused to identify herself, except as "sandra"
     her gang was thought to be with the "-ic" group, rajic, burvic et al, but apparently is something else

     As mentioned before, the Cure has been found for the CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome), covid long haul etc, possibly scleroderma, glaucoma, possibly PTSD
     But some characters don't want to Cure those fatigue spectrum of diseases, for obvious reasons
Remember that-   fatigue:depression::dementia:psychosis

     The fatigue/dementia differential diagnosis is the largest workup of all Internal Medicine when attempting to find the cause
      However, it appears that if the shrink, &c likes You, then the Million Dollar fatigue/dementia workup is started
      But if they don't like You, then Your diagnosis would be depression/psychosis
And then You would be sedated, warehoused or worse, provide the shrinks with some sort of cottage industry weekly visits for "talk therapy" lasting years
      hoffman's doppelgangers apparently have stalked since about 1957.
      he was the circulation manager who brought bundles of city newspapers there on the east coast at the kilian rectory route where the criminally psychotic domestic, ms. lacrap, abused and groomed children with the paquette, &c pedophiles
      Then, about June of 1973, he was visiting district manager who criticized, started arguments at the safeway #100 store at about 3000 east first ave, Denver 80206
       hoffman doppelganger then appeared to scam with the freud sociopathy, deliberately misdiagnosing
       Other hoffman doppelganger has reportedly scammed, wanting $1,200/hour for "talk therapy"
Should terminate that criminally psychotic, greedy, conartist sociopathy with extreme prejudice

     When the fatigue spectrum of diseases is Cured, would expect the medical misadventures of "depression" to disappear

     Very odd to have had type of Physician Specialist recommend exercise for Patient with the CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) when it is known that severe post exertional fatigue occurs

     Odd how the apparently arrogant, criminally psychotic leasing office employee, ms. adonia laverne goodall, recently had startled, spooked scammed some lofts apt Resident, while she was conducting apartment tours for pair of caucasian potential renters- unknown strangers, black haired male and red headed female- saying loudly, "You'll take hits for these germans"
     adonia often appears to have worsening delusional days, when she doesn't respond to reason
     Unfortunately, bully conartist scammers think that silence lends consent, which is false;
her abusive sociopathy was denied with extreme prejudice and vigor;
     Rumor is several characters have suggested that ms. adonia laverne goodall be repatriated to rkiz, mauritania to pursue her gangster aspirations with her co-conspirators, as some sort of nigerian 419's, since they attempt to extort and force Residents at these apartments (~270 units) to play their disrespectful games

      While her online site describes several years at some sort of "commercial high school" (probably implying vocational training), there isn't any comment about her graduating

Best wishes always
Thank you for you assistance with this matter


Joseph W Arabasz MD
S/P USAF, Top Secret 1964-69
University of Colorado at Boulder 1972, CU School of Medicine '75, '77, '83
Critical Care Fellowship
Past Division Chairman, Anesthesiology, Cook County Hospital, Chicago, Illinois
Past Chairman, Respiratory Therapy, Cook County Hospital, Chicago
Diplomate ABA
Sigma Xi, The Professional Science Research Society
PO Box 6939
Denver, CO 80206


Pug Loves.png
adonia goodall at apt leasing office.jpg
Puppy Loves.jpg
Puppy Chiquita November 1, 2022 is with the Ages.jpg
Puppy Chiquita Auditory Service Animal.jpeg
052023 8 57pm Passed red glen one lung employee at safeway #3836- Should complete transfer to training facility denver.jpg
mr Marcus Jackson, maintenance lofts 051123 4 15pm.jpg
062023 1 26pm Terminate aggressive scam of dark featured 'sandra' & her female buddy who tried to block entry to safeway #3836, threatening- 'cause your disease'.jpg
022723 8 35pm Terminate criminally psychotic fat boy, about 300 lbs, sociopathy, who assaulted and threatened Resident at north entrance on Fourth Ave 80230 to these apartments .jpg
hal, maintenance employee, lofts apts, January 2023.jpg
122121 2 35am loud false evacuation problem.mp4
050423 5 32pm passed odd oriental female stalled at mid aisle.jpg
062023 10 14pm Terminate scamming wise guy at Miss & Colo Blvd north bus #5170.jpg
062023 10 44pm Terminate criminally psychotic, scamming, threatening of old apparent nazi red headed female bus driver threatening sociopathy on rte6 east #6534 and glen of same ilk at safeway #3836.jpg
letisha gutierrez marin problem, Becky.txt
050423 5 32pm passed odd oriental female stalled at mid aisle and scamming dark featured female who took picture of Puppy.txt
donaldson James f esq jd, disbarred.txt
canisters of sarin, missile warhead containing nerve gas bomblets at Rocky Mtn Arsenal.png
donaldson Disciplinary Report.png
canister M139 bomblet discovered at cleanup of Rocky Mountain Arsenal November.jpg
062023 10 57pm Terminate both scammers, large blond female who threatened to ripoff Mr Pug and other unknown guy at 200 Quebec St, Denver 80230.jpg
greek festival, denver, june 2022 b.txt
rajic 7544 e 4th Ave Denver 80230- all.txt
veterinarian tech, possibly, who loudly threatened & prevented pre-op Labs for Puppy Chiquita Auditory Service Animal's surgical procedure, about 24 months beforehand.jpg
033023 4 19pm Avoided comments of, somewhat polite, sober doppelganger wise guy who said, 'Now You take our hits' on rte rte 12 southbound bus #6337 & female driver, as both are at Pepys' pickled place.jpg
032322 10 57 pm Terminate sociopathy of apparent skinhead scammer 7845 E Gu- Pl, Denver 80231-2624, mr. rajic, jeremy & alexander, 7544 E 4TH AVE #312 end unit Denver 80230.png
032322 10 57pm Terminate skin head distracting scams of mr. rajic at condos on 4th Ave, 80230.jpg
011223 7 23pm Terminate adonia laverne doppelganger conartist criminally psychotic scam at Colo Blvd & Alameda store.jpg
adonia goodall .jpg
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