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Terminate fey scam of conartists who confessed to harassing Military Veterans

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Joseph Arabasz MD

May 9, 2023, 3:23:28 PM5/9/23
Dear Topica,
                         Should terminate the wise guy sociopathy of conartists, with extreme prejudice, who confessed they purposely hurt Auditory Service Animals with the usual urgency as they appear to be criminally psychotic and attempt to recruit others

Thank you for your assistance with this matter


031023 5 28pm Terminate the scamming, severe male pattern balding stalker doppelgagner of mr J h moyer sociopathy etc, who confessed he caused all the problems and attempted to recruit for his fey scams of others.jpg
041522 2 58pm Terminate scams of wise guys at L Town Center mall 80230 & their strange kid customers scamming at Safeway #3836 that evening.jpg
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