Patients CURED by compound that treats long covid, CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome), possibly PTSD etc

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Sep 30, 2022, 7:21:46 PM9/30/22
Jul 6, 2022, 6:04:41 PM

Subject: Patients CURED by compound that treats long covid, CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome), possibly PTSD etc

Dear Topica et al,
                                                                                                                                  I hope this note finds You well

     As you are probably aware, there are some characters who don't want to Cure the CFS or other fatigue syndromes, possibly known as the confounding gangs, for obvious reasons
     Because fatigue:depression::dementia:psychosis and dr. egas muniz died, somebody has to pay the Piper

     Puppy Chiquita is very sick now

     Best wishes always

Thank you for your assistance with this matter


Joseph W Arabasz MD
S/P USAF, Top Secret 1964-69
University of Colorado at Boulder 1972, CU School of Medicine '75, '77, '83
Past Division Chairman, Anesthesiology, Cook County Hospital, Chicago, Illinois
Past Chairman, Respiratory Therapy, Cook County Hospital, Chicago
Diplomate ABA
Sigma Xi, The Professional Science Research Society
PO Box 6939
Denver, CO 80206


Patients who benefit from drug against long covid- Testimonials

Results of first successful treatment confirmed with other long covid patients

Global discovery, July 2021 of successfully treating a long covid patient

Further patients are now on the road to recovery thanks to the medication

A man from the Allgäu region and a woman from Middle Franconia both received the active ingredient intravenously lasting 75 minutes, and were then kept in the hospital for monitoring for a further several days. They have continued to Attend outpatient appointments to monitor their health ever since. Both patients have already reported significant improvements in their performance and quality of life, and this has been corroborated in medical tests.

Following the pattern seen in the patient who was treated first, it caused long covid symptoms in these patients to subside shortly after it was administered. ‘After someone contracts covid, autoantibodies start to circulate in their bloodstream. These then turn on the body itself and may damage certain structures within the body or affect circulation,’

(Scientific opinion is that causes of those damaging "autoantibodies" has to do with ischemia, possibly from sleep apnea, and inflammation)

The drug was developed several years ago, originally for patients with severe heart disease, but could now potentially be used in the fight against long covid. ‘In both patients currently being treated, we can see that it neutralises the harmful autoantibodies, in other words vascular flow in the smallest vessels improves.

In addition, both patients experienced a reduction in their clinical long covid symptoms
‘I was zombie. I barely recognised myself’
The second patient to receive the drug against long covid was from the Allgäu region in Germany. He was knocked off his feet after contracting covid in 2020. Until then, he had been a successful, active key account manager, a keen country skier who led a healthy lifestyle and had even taken part in several iron man competitions. After contracting covid he suddenly started to suffer from severe fatigue, problems with his balance, coordination and memory, twitching muscles and a pronounced tremor in his right hand and arm. ‘I was shaking so much it started to affect my leg. At one point, I thought I had parkinson’s,’ he explains.

he had no other option but to step down from his work in sales. ‘I was completely disoriented and unfocused, I was just trying my best to survive from one day to the next. I was zombie. I barely recognised myself.’ Like many others affected by long covid, he suffered from brain fog He had to withdraw from a reintegration programme offered by his company to get him back into work after just three months. ‘I was no longer able to follow conversations, I couldn’t draft a presentation or completet negotiations and my colleagues had to complete everything. At home, tackling the smallest chores became difficult

 My problems with balance meant that I couldn’t drive, cycle or go on my motorbike. As if that wasn’t enough, I was plagued by financial worries, emotional panic attacks

I was completely incapable of exercise at all, although that had, until then, been his preferred way to unwind.

In early July 2021 the 51 year old heard about the first successful attempt to treat long covid

At the end of July he received his first infusion

His autoantibodies were neutralised and the test had an improvement in his vascular flow.

The very day after receiving the medicine, his brain fog lifted and his muscles stopped twitching as much as before, his tremor disappeared.

Over the course of the first week, his balance, fatigue, coordination and memory all improved. ‘My physical, cognitive and mental abilities are all normal now.

 I have avoided lounging about, incapable of doing anything else, I can think again, am stable and able to feel happy again,’ he explains. He is also looking forward to work in his old position, after an enforced break of many long months. ‘I am grateful that my employer did not give up on me, and supported me every step’

Another Patient-

Patient is primary school teacher from Middle Franconia. After contracting covid, she suffered from severe fatigue, brain fog, problems with balance, coordination, memory and concentration, as well as experiencing difficulties with ambulation and changes to her sense of taste.

‘This patient was the most severely affected by long covid that I have seen' She was no longer able to work and she was extremely unsteady on her feet. It was very difficult for her to follow conversations, and she kept falling asleep,’ reports the doctor. The patient herself explains, ‘I was a fit and healthy person before contracting covid.

Most of the time I was confined to bed

On the worst days, I was even unable to speak, although my thoughts were orderly and I knew what I wanted to say.

She was given the compound to Cure long covid

 ‘Her brain fog started to disappear significantly on day one after receiving the medicine,’

‘Since then, her neurological symptoms and her fatigue have improved significantly.’ Once again, it is apparent that the active ingredient has successfully intervened into the patient’s molecular pathomechanism. The autoantibodies were neutralised and clinical tests indicated an improvement in the vascular flow

‘I have noticed steady improvements in my neurological symptoms.

I do notice that my body becomes exhausted much quicker than before, but I recover after taking a rest. That was simply impossible before getting the medicine,’ reports the patient.

(aka post-exertional fatigue which is seen with the CFS)

Days after her treatment, she had the following to say: ‘I’m happy again  

I'm proud of the research being conducted here and eternally grateful for the work being done and the care and attention I received. I sincerely hope that the medicine will be able to help many long covid patients in the future.’

Patient number one, from the Coburg district, is still feeling well months after first receiving treatment. He is not displaying any long covid specific symptoms, feels in good health and is living an active lifestyle.


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