TestCentric Runner 1.5 Released

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Charlie Poole

Dec 9, 2020, 3:42:53 AM12/9/20
to NUnit-Discuss, nunit-developer
Hi All,

Like it says, the TestCentric GUI runner for NUnit is out. I'm very happy with this release for a few reasons...

1. It has been three months since the 1.4.1 release, which is really too long!

2. This release fixes what I think is the major long-standing problem with the GUI: not being able to cancel tests correctly. There are actually three stages of test run cancellation that come into play when you click the stop button. First, the tests are given a chance to stop normally, completing all teardowns. Second, by pressing the Forced Stop button, you can insist that the framework forcibly cancel all test threads. Third, after a brief wait, the GUI itself unloads all test AppDomains and Processes. This last stage is needed in case of pathological tests or framework bugs. (As it happens, there is currently such a bug in the NUnit framework.)

3. This release was performed using the highest degree of automation so far. GitHub release creation, pushing of packages and update of the website are all triggered by a script. There are still a few glitches where manual intervention was required but it's now easier  than ever for me to create a release, which should speed things up in the future.

You can download the release at https://github.com/testcentric/testcentric-gui. Release notes are available at https://test-centric.org/testcentric-gui (note the dash in the domain name).

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