[Numpy-discussion] Recovering from a STOP ?

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Pierre GM

Mar 14, 2012, 9:28:38 AM3/14/12
to numpy-di...@scipy.org

Dear all,

I'm working with some large inherited F90 code that needs to be wrapped in
Python. if the code base itself cannot be modified (it's a static archive), some
additional F90 files were written to help the interaction with the code. Writing
a python extension combining the archive and these additional files is rather
straightforward using F2PY, the extension loads, all is well but...
...when a problem occurs in a subroutine deep in the base code, it calls another
routine (say, ENDRUN) which itself uses a STOP statement. As you know, this
statement not only exits the fortran code, but makes the extension and then the
interpreter crash...

I patched ENDRUN use STOP, I tried to call a C external function instead of
using STOP:
*- ENDRUN.f90 -*
subroutine ENDRUN(C_NOM)
use endrun_wrap
Implicit none
character(LEN=*), intent(in) :: C_NOM
! write(*, *) C_NOM
! stop
call pyraise_runtime(C_NOM)
end subroutine ENDRUN

*- ENDRUNWRAP.f90 -*
module endrun_wrap
subroutine pyraise_runtime(message)
character(LEN=*), intent(in) :: message
end subroutine pyraise_runtime
end interface
end module endrun_wrap

*- pyraise_runtime.c -*
#include <Python.h>

void pyraise_runtime_(char *message);

void pyraise_runtime_(char *message)
printf("calling PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, message)\n");
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, message);

Alas, the RuntimeError doesn't look like it's passed back to the interpreter,
which still crashes. (Adding a Py_Exit(-1) at the end of pyraise_runtime at
least let the interpreter do some extra cleaning after the fortran code stopped,
but still...)

Note that ENDRUN is never supposed to be called directly by the user (so no
point to define a callback function via f2py, right ?).

Any idea would be quite welcome.
Thanks an awful lot in advance.

PS: Oh, BTW, I'm limited to numpy 1.4.1 and the f2py that comes with it...

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Pauli Virtanen

Mar 14, 2012, 12:25:31 PM3/14/12
to numpy-di...@scipy.org
14.03.2012 14:28, Pierre GM kirjoitti:

> Alas, the RuntimeError doesn't look like it's passed back to the interpreter,
> which still crashes. (Adding a Py_Exit(-1) at the end of pyraise_runtime at
> least let the interpreter do some extra cleaning after the fortran code stopped,
> but still...)
> Note that ENDRUN is never supposed to be called directly by the user (so no
> point to define a callback function via f2py, right ?).

The crash maybe occurs because if the code is not stopped, it writes out
of bounds or something?

You can try to use longjmp in ENDRUN to jump back to the beginning, and
return an error code. YMMV, this probably plays all hell with cleanup etc.

Or, maybe the whole Fortran stuff can be run in a separate process, so
that crashing doesn't matter.


Chris Barker

Mar 14, 2012, 4:49:38 PM3/14/12
to Discussion of Numerical Python
On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 9:25 AM, Pauli Virtanen <p...@iki.fi> wrote:
> Or, maybe the whole Fortran stuff can be run in a separate process, so
> that crashing doesn't matter.

That's what I was going to suggest -- even if you can get it not to
crash, it may well be in a bad state -- memory leaks, and who know
what else.

We did something similar with some C code that called the system
exit() function when it encountered errors -- it may not have been too
hard to replace those calls, but making sure the memory was all
cleaned up was going to be a trick -- so we just used the multiprocess
module to call it in another process.




Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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Pierre GM

Mar 20, 2012, 6:20:05 AM3/20/12
to Discussion of Numerical Python
Pauli, Chris,
Thanks for your inputs.

Pauli, I think that when f2py encounters a STOP statement, it just
stops the execution of the process. Alas, it's the same process as the
interpreter... So we need a trick not to interrupt the whole process.

I eventually resorted to patching f2py as suggested in
which amounts to let f2py trap the SIGINT. That's good enough for what I need.

However, that stresses the need to have a more robust way to deal with
these interruptions and make sure that several objects calling one (or
several temporary) fortran extension don't interact the ones with the

And I'm coming to the same conclusion as Chris', that I have to use
the `multiprocessing` module, with several processes calling their own
fortran extension. But that's another story.

Thanks y'all for your help

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