Numbas LTI - What permissions should exam package/zips have?

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Peter Steele

Sep 2, 2021, 1:52:52 AM9/2/21
to Numbas Users
Dear all,

During installation, the /srv/numbas-lti-* is set to 770 (rwxrwx---) recursively, but during normal staff usage we've observed that selected/uploaded exam zips stored in /srv/numbas-lti-media/exams have a mix of 600 (rw-------), 644 (rw-r--r--).

What is the correct permissions value? We have upgraded Numbas-LTI a few times now want to ensure the permissions are standardised correctly.
Screen Shot 2021-09-02 at 3.44.18 pm.png

Thank you,
Peter Steele

Christian Lawson-Perfect

Sep 2, 2021, 3:16:59 AM9/2/21
They just need to be readable by whichever user is serving them, which if you followed the installation instructions will be the user running nginx: www-data on ubuntu.
I'm not sure how they end up with different permissions - I can see the same thing on our server. Maybe it's packages that are fetched by the "replace exam package" tool, instead of uploaded by a user? The extracted files all have permissions of 644, so that might explain it.
I've put an issue about this on the GitHub repository:

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