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Fwd: CTNT 2024 announcement

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Bianca Viray

Mar 6, 2024, 11:33:15 AM3/6/24
to ntuw

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Conrad, Keith <>
Date: Tue, Mar 5, 2024 at 1:22 PM
Subject: CTNT 2024 announcement
To: MATH - CTNT - Connecticut Summer School <>
Cc: Lozano-Robledo, Alvaro <>, Jennifer Balakrishnan <>, Christelle Vincent <>

Dear Colleagues,

Please share the email below with others, especially students in your department who may be interested in attending. 

This is an announcement of CTNT 2024, a number theory summer school and conference to take place at UConn Storrs in June. There will be two events:

* Summer School in Number Theory, June 10 - June 13.

* Research Conference on arithmetic geometry, number theory, and related topics, June 14 - 16.

All relevant information, registration, and funding requests can be found on our website: The "Summer School" and "Conference" tabs have information about each of those events and the "Registration" tab will take you to a link for registering for them.

Deadline for funding requests: March 31, 2024.

The Connecticut Summer School in Number Theory (CTNT) is a summer school in number theory for advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students, to be followed by a research conference. The summer school will expose undergraduate and graduate students to important ideas in number theory. The research conference following the summer school is open to participants at all levels, including junior and senior faculty, and interested students. In particular, summer school students' participation in the research conference will allow them to hear about current research trends.

The summer school will feature mini-courses by Keith Conrad (UConn), Álvaro Lozano-Robledo (UConn), Christelle Vincent (UVM), and Lori Watson (Trinity College).

Speakers at the research conference who have confirmed participation so far include Bryden Cais (University of Arizona), Jennifer Park (The Ohio State University), Padmavathi Srinivasan (Boston University), and David Zureick-Brown (Amherst College).

Both the summer school and conference are scheduled to be in-person events. Note: The summer school program is open only to students who are currently attending colleges and universities in North America and (for logistical reasons) will be at least 18 years old by the time the event begins.

The titles and abstracts at the summer school and the research conference will be updated on the CTNT website as further speakers are confirmed. Registration is now open. People interested in number theory from underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged to apply.


Jennifer Balakrishnan

Keith Conrad

Álvaro Lozano-Robledo

Christelle Vincent

If you have questions, you can reach the organizers at



Bianca Viray (she/her)
Craig McKibben and Sarah Merner Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195
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