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Seminar tomorrow (Tuesday): James Rickards

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Bianca Viray

Oct 9, 2023, 11:22:30 PM10/9/23
to ntuw
Hi everyone,

Our speaker tomorrow is James Rickards from CU Boulder.  The seminar starts at 11am in PDL C-401, and we'll go to lunch with the speaker after the talk.

I look forward to seeing you there!

Title: The not-so-local-global conjecture 
Abstract: I will describe new obstructions found for Apollonian circle packings, which contradicts the local-global conjecture for many configurations. These obstructions come from quadratic and quartic reciprocity, and we expect similar obstructions to exist in other thin group orbits. Based on computational evidence, a new conjecture is formulated. This is joint work with Summer Haag, Clyde Kertzer, and Katherine E. Stange.

Bianca Viray (she/her)
Craig McKibben and Sarah Merner Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195
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