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Number theory seminar: Tuesday April 11

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Masahiro Nakahara

Apr 10, 2023, 12:07:14 PM4/10/23
to Number Theory at Univ. of Washington
Hi everyone,

Our next NT seminar will be Stephanie Chan from SLMath (MSRI). We will be taking  Stephanie to lunch afterwards. Note the different classroom

Time: Tuesday, April 11, 11am 
Location: PDL C-38

Title: Integral points in families of elliptic curves

Abstract: Taking a family of elliptic curves and imposing some ordering, we may ask how often a curve has an integral point and how many integral points there are on average. We expect that elliptic curves with any nontrivial integral points are generally very sparse. In certain quadratic and cubic twist families, it is possible to show that almost all curves contain no nontrivial integral points. The proof uses the parameterisation of integral points by integral binary forms and the distribution of Selmer groups.

See you there!


Bianca Viray

Apr 11, 2023, 2:00:05 PM4/11/23
to ntuw
Hi all,

A friendly reminder that our seminar is in C38 today
Number Theory at the University of Washington
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Bianca Viray (she/her)
Craig McKibben and Sarah Merner Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195

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