Number theory seminar: Tuesday April 4

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Masahiro Nakahara

Mar 31, 2023, 3:52:10 PM3/31/23
to Number Theory at Univ. of Washington
Hi everyone,

Our first NT seminar this quarter will be Kenneth Chiu from Rice University. We will be taking Kenneth to lunch afterwards.

Time: Tuesday, April 4, 11am 
Location: PDL C-401

Title: Recent development in the study of integral points of moduli spaces

Abstract: We will give a survey on what is currently known and what is conjectured for each of finiteness, non-density, and sparsity of integral points of moduli spaces. We will also explain how hyperbolicity and Hodge theory are relevant to the study.

See you there!


Masahiro Nakahara

Apr 4, 2023, 11:32:23 AM4/4/23
to Number Theory at Univ. of Washington
A friendly reminder about seminar today, see below.
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