Number theory seminar: Tuesday April 25

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Masahiro Nakahara

Apr 21, 2023, 12:41:41 PM4/21/23
to Number Theory at Univ. of Washington
Hi everyone,

Our next NT seminar will be Anwesh Ray from Université de Montréal (CRM). Note that this talk will be virtual.

Time: Tuesday, April 25, 11am 
Location: Zoom: 934 8731 7861 Passcode: C401

Title: Diophantine stability for elliptic curves on average

Abstract: Let K be a number field and ℓ≥ 5 be a prime number.  Mazur and Rubin introduced the notion of diophantine stability for a variety X/K at a prime ℓ. Under the hypothesis that all elliptic curves E/ℚ have finite Tate-Shafarevich group, we show that there is a positive density set of elliptic curves E/ℚ of rank 1, such that E/K is diophantine stable at ℓ. This result has implications to Hilbert's tenth problem for number rings. This is joint work with Tom Weston.

See you there!


Masahiro Nakahara

Apr 25, 2023, 12:54:41 PM4/25/23
to Number Theory at Univ. of Washington
Friendly reminder about the seminar happening soon :)
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