Dear Bianca Viray,
On behalf of the organizers of the Arizona Winter School, I am writing to draw your attention to the upcoming 2024 Arizona Winter School (AWS) on Abelian Varieties,
and ask you to encourage students to apply to the program. The school will take place March 2-6, 2024 at the University of Arizona, in Tucson.
The AWS is an intense 5-day in-person workshop, aimed at graduate students. Our goal is to have students engage with recent fundamental advances in number theory, through a combination of deftly constructed lecture courses by leading experts, structured evening problem sessions, and directed group projects around open problems.
The four lecture courses in this year's school will be delivered by
Valentijn Karemaker (Utrecht): Moduli spaces of abelian varieties in characteristic p
Ben Moonen (Radboud University Nijmegen): Algebraic cycles on abelian varieties
Rachel Pries (Colorado State): The Torelli locus and Newton polygons
Joe Silverman (Brown): Canonical heights on abelian varieties
The application deadline for students is November 15th, 2023.
For further information about the school, please see our website:
I very much hope that you will be able to help us to encourage interested students to apply to the 2024 AWS.
Warm Regards,
Brandon Levin
-- Brandon Levin Director, Southwest Center for Arithmetic Geometry