Understanding message Finish and Requeue

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Mar 25, 2019, 8:57:58 AM3/25/19
to nsq-users
Hi all

I just want to ask a simple question. What will happen if a consumer try to requeue an already finished message? Will it get requeued? Or is it an invalid operation?

Since nsq deliver message at least once, I think this is a possible case. Lets say there is a slow consumer that got the message. The NSQD requeued the message, because of timeout. A fast consumer consume the message and finish it. Then the slow consumer tries to requeue the message.


Pierce Lopez

Mar 25, 2019, 12:00:36 PM3/25/19
to lathif....@gmail.com, nsq-users
After nsqd times-out the message sent to the slow consumer, neither finish nor requeue from the slow consumer have any effect, they just get an error response from nsqd.
- Pierce

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