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Thomas Tempelmann

Aug 27, 2016, 11:49:14 AM8/27/16
Not using Word myself, a user made me aware of a Word issue with Clipboard, and while investigating this, I ran into one more.

Both can be reproduced with Word 2008 and 2011. I do not have later versions and wonder if anyone else has seen this happen, even with Office 365?

1. If you copy Text with an Image in it from Word, pasting it into any other non-Office app will lose the image(s).

The reason behind this is that Word puts images inside the RTF, and places that RTF into the pasteboard, whereas Apple can handle images only in rtfd containers, which Word does not generate.

2. If you select text in Word, Copy it, then move the text cursor forward with the keyboard once, and type another character, the Pasteboard gets updated a 2nd time - that's not supposed to happen, and irritated my clipboard recording software, often adding two apparently equal clips (however, while the plain text is indeed equal, the other items including RTF and PDF, are different so that my automatic duplicates detection does not work here).

Thomas Tempelmann
Irradiated Software
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