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1password now supports ConcealedType

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Thomas Tempelmann

Jul 12, 2014, 5:22:24 AM7/12/14
to nspasteboard
Hi all,
I just found out that 1password (v4.3) supports org.nspasteboard.ConcealedType!

That is, it puts the flavor into the pasteboard and sets its value to
the same value the that text flavor contains. (This wasn't the plan,
though, was it?)

Unfortunately, it also uses this ConcealedType for non-password (e.g.
username) items :(

But, better than nothing, right?

Thomas Tempelmann
Irradiated Software

Peter N Lewis

Jul 12, 2014, 6:47:15 AM7/12/14
to nspasteboard
> On 12 Jul 2014, at 17:22, Thomas Tempelmann <> wrote:
> I just found out that 1password (v4.3) supports org.nspasteboard.ConcealedType!
> That is, it puts the flavor into the pasteboard and sets its value to
> the same value the that text flavor contains. (This wasn't the plan,
> though, was it?)
> Unfortunately, it also uses this ConcealedType for non-password (e.g.
> username) items :(
> But, better than nothing, right?

No. Worse than nothing.

Now it means the ConcealedType cannot be honoured without hiding non-password text.

Sorry, but that's an idiotic thing to do.

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Thomas Tempelmann

Jul 12, 2014, 7:18:12 AM7/12/14
to nspasteboard
> Now it means the ConcealedType cannot be honoured without hiding non-password text.
> Sorry, but that's an idiotic thing to do.

Well, good that I didn't CC the 1pw guys, then :)

So, anyone want to try some more diplomacy with them? Ask them to get
this right, one more time?

Dave Teare

Jul 12, 2014, 10:19:54 AM7/12/14
to nspasteboard
Apple keeps us busy. Busy enough that some things look idiotic from the outside world. We’ve all been there, judging a software company for not doing things the way we want them to. You’re right that we need to change this.

I remember thinking we’d revisit this when things calmed down, and here we are, scrambling to get ready for Yosemite and iOS 8 :)

Someday soon I hope to find the time to do things right (namely, only use ConcealedType when sensitive info is copied).

--Dave Teare
Agile Founder

Peter N Lewis

Jul 13, 2014, 1:29:14 AM7/13/14
to nspasteboard
> On 12 Jul 2014, at 22:19, Dave Teare <> wrote:
> Apple keeps us busy. Busy enough that some things look idiotic from the outside world. We’ve all been there, judging a software company for not doing things the way we want them to. You’re right that we need to change this.
> I remember thinking we’d revisit this when things calmed down, and here we are, scrambling to get ready for Yosemite and iOS 8 :)
> Someday soon I hope to find the time to do things right (namely, only use ConcealedType when sensitive info is copied).

Thanks. Sorry for my tone.

> --Dave Teare
> Agile Founder
>> On Jul 12, 2014, at 7:17 AM, Thomas Tempelmann <> wrote:
>>> Now it means the ConcealedType cannot be honoured without hiding non-password text.
>>> Sorry, but that's an idiotic thing to do.
>> Well, good that I didn't CC the 1pw guys, then :)
>> So, anyone want to try some more diplomacy with them? Ask them to get
>> this right, one more time?
>> --
>> Thomas Tempelmann
>> Irradiated Software

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