On 12/06/2013, at 3:06 , Brian Bucknam <
br...@smilesoftware.com> wrote:
> Anyway, to expand up Thomas's proposal;
> First: the motivation. One other known "producer" of clipboard data is 1Password and (I assume) similar password management utilities. They 'remember' wonderfully difficult-to-crack passwords that most of us could never remember and, in some usage scenarios, place the password onto the pasteboard so the user can log in to some service by Pasting the password into the appropriate field.
> Of course, a difficult-to-crack password is no longer as difficult to crack if someone glances over your shoulder five or ten minutes later when you bring up your clipboard history utility window to Paste in something else.
> That is, the motivation is to add a pasteboard marker that indicates that the item should either not appear at all in any clipboard history, or that it should only stay in the history for a limited time.
> Thomas Tempelmann proposed a "ConcealedType" that would not appear at all in clipboard history utilities. That makes some sense.
> There was some discussion at that time with Peter Maurer, who argued that he would like to be able to Copy an account name and a password from KeyChain or 1Password, then use a clipboard history utility to Paste first one of those items, then the other, into a login window. So he was arguing against "ConcealedType," but liked the idea of a "TimeLimited" or "OneTimeUse" marker.
I like the idea, and agree with Peter: just stick with org.nspasteboard.ConcealedType and leave it to the clipboard history app to figure out what that means.
For Keyboard Maestro, at a minimum it would mean avoiding saving it to disk, and would likely mean some form of restricted display in the history. The question for me would be whether there is any case where I can actually generate the attribute, which would also be handy. Perhaps as simple an action as "Mark the current clipboard as ConcealedType", although I guess by that point there would be no way to have other clipboard history consumers notice that the previous value was the same and is now concealed.
Anyway, if you can get any application to actually generate this attribute (especially 1Password, which I think would be relatively easy) then I would be happy to support it to at least come level.
Does anyone have any contacts with the 1Password folks want to approach them with the suggestion?
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