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FS: Graphite Snooker cue (stick) - brand New

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Angelo P.

Aug 8, 2014, 1:02:30 PM8/8/14

Graphite Snooker cue (stick) - brand New

graphite wrapped over the whole length of the cue
(best warp resistance money can buy)

smooth shaft, does not stick to the skin
(don't need to use hand chalk as on older graphite cues)

standard size: 58 inches; 19 oz and 20 oz available
durable and precise metallic joint
metallic ferrule (not plastic as on many other cues)
9.5mm leather tip

see pictures and details of the cues I have for sale: or

For any questions, e-mail me at

shipping to Nova-Scotia (or anywhere else in Canada) by Canada Post, ground service (takes approx. 5 days):


Terms and conditions:
- Prepayment by money-order (preferred) or
regular check drawn on canadian bank or
- Goods will be shipped within 2 working days of reception of payment
- For payments by regular checks drawn on a canadian bank: goods will be shipped after a clearance period of 10 days.

all my pool cues are located in Ottawa, Ontario;
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