SixLowPan with static routing and WSN

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Moab Rodrigues

Mar 30, 2015, 3:27:48 PM3/30/15
My name is Moab.
I am new in the forum and i'm having difficulty with the almost non-existent documentation of the NS3.
My problem is the following:

I have this WSN:

source   n1  n2  sink
     |        |     |      |

I want implementing static routing using IPv6 and , but I can not.

The implementing must be:

Source send 100 packats of 100 bytes for n1
n1 forwarding the packet for n2
n2 forwarding the packet for Sink

appreciate the help.

Tommaso Pecorella

Mar 30, 2015, 6:43:41 PM3/30/15

just a question. Don't you feel uneasy in saying "almost non-existent documentation of the NS3" in front of the people that use their spare time to help others, write code, write the documentation and maintain the code that YOU are trying to use ?
I mean... some respect, please.
Moreover, it's a always a good idea to check who's reading (and will probably answer) your questions. Are the maintainer / contributors of the parts you're trying to use (and you just said they have no documentation) reading you ? Because making him (or her) upset wouldn't be a bright idea. Definitely it wouldn't.

And now, since you called for help, you'll receive it. Much like if you ask for a glass of water and someone is so kind to throw you in the lake.

First and foremost: you didn't even TRY to install some routing in the nodes. I mean, you should try... maybe fail, but try.
Second point: you don't NEED routing in your network. I mean... the nodes are 5 meters apart from each other, they all talk in one hop to any other node !
Third point: you don't need ns-3 documentation, you need a book about routing !

The third point is a bit harsh, so I'll explain it a bit more.
You gave to all the node an address in the same network (2001:1::0/64). As a consequence, they'll not even try to route packets, unless there's a very special routing algorithm in place. Normal routing doesn't apply.
You either need an ad-hoc routing protocol, or you need a mesh-under routing algorithm. Otherwise the "normal" routing (e.g., StaticRouting, RipNg, etc.) will assume that the addresses belonging to the same network are, indeed, reachable in one hop. Mind flipping, isn't it ?

And now, since I'm kinda enjoying this, let me do some wild guesses.
The layout and task is too simple and too stupid to be a serious network layout. It smells like a school assignment from 1 mile away. Moreover, your question (and how you did it) shows that you have the typical boldness of a youngling, and the typical lack of experience of a youngling, and this sums up to strengthen my hypothesis.
As a further proof, your lack of analysis over the one-hop and link.local issues shows that you are still learning.

Summarizing, the wild guess is: you're doing a school assignment, am I right ?

Have fun,

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Moab Rodrigues

Mar 31, 2015, 12:03:00 PM3/31/15
Hi Tommaso! You guessed I am a student and also hit, I'm just a "youngling". However this is not a school project. I'm trying learn because wish deepen my knowledge.
I am very new in the area. I'm starting with really stupid settings, because the initial purpose is to understand how to do the basics.
You did attack this way, but at no time wanted to disrespect the software and its developers (which by the way are doing a great job).

Tommaso Pecorella

Mar 31, 2015, 4:12:02 PM3/31/15
ha, almost !

trying to self-improve is a good thing, and if this is some extra-curricular activity, then you have all my support and sympathy.
Sadly, you didn't choose a simple setting at all. It seems simple but it's way more complex than you may think.

About the disrespect (or the lack of), the problem is that it's about... a LOT that we're trying to improve and fix all the documentation. It's really a boring and hard task, so ... well, you touched a bloody open problem. The main problem, tho, is that we don't have to document only ns-3, we have also to explain stuff, and the documentation is slowly becoming both a simulator documentation AND a networking book.
Summarizing, never underestimate how hard it is to write a good documentation - as a further proof... did you know that technical documentation writing is a job specialisation ?

Anyway, back to your scenario. Are you interested in particular to the 802.15.4 devices ? Because they're a bit more challenging than the other wireless systems... in case I can suggest where to start from.



Moab Rodrigues

Apr 1, 2015, 9:51:57 AM4/1/15
Yes, I'm interested in 802.15.4 because according with my research about WSN it's more indicated than other devices, for example 802.11.
In this case, I need create an application layer with UDP above of the sixlowpan or exist other manner of doing?
Ah, do you can recommend some codes of the ns3/src about the subject concerned. I did already study wifi-adhoc, static-routing-32 and wsnPing6.

I thank the help.

R. M.

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Moab Rodrigues de Jesus
Graduando em Engenharia de Computação
Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana - UEFS
Presidente do Ramo Estudantil IEEE UEFS

Tommaso Pecorella

Apr 1, 2015, 4:43:20 PM4/1/15

answers in line.

On Wednesday, April 1, 2015 at 3:51:57 PM UTC+2, Moab Rodrigues wrote:
Yes, I'm interested in 802.15.4 because according with my research about WSN it's more indicated than other devices, for example 802.11.

802.15.4 is definitely more appropriate than 802.11. The main difference is that 802.11 isn't exactly an energy-efficient system, while in WSN saving the battery is the main goal.
There are some alternatives (e.g., Bluetooth Low Energy, LTE M2M, etc.), but it mainly depends on the overall scenario. For multi-hop WSN, 802.15.4 is one of the best options.
In this case, I need create an application layer with UDP above of the sixlowpan or exist other manner of doing?

Yes: just do it.
I mean, the scenario should work out-of-the-box. Just add an UDP application (e.g., UdpClient and UdpServer) to the nodes.
Try to modify examples/udp/ throw away the IPv4 part and change the NetDevices like in the wsnPing6.

Ah, do you can recommend some codes of the ns3/src about the subject concerned. I did already study wifi-adhoc, static-routing-32 and wsnPing6.

None in particular, but I'd suggest to check the WSN routing protocols. Before coding, it's best to use a book or some papers. DO you have access to the IEEE library ?



Moab Rodrigues

Apr 22, 2015, 7:33:25 PM4/22/15
Hello everyone!
The code works!
I finished the code. However, stayed with doubt. How did doing for modify the bit rate of the channel?

Thanks for help!

Tommaso Pecorella

Apr 23, 2015, 2:49:04 AM4/23/15

the channel bitrate is fixed to "very low".
I mean, 802.15.4 isn't like 802.11. In 802.15.4 you have only one channel speed: damn slow.




Mar 30, 2015, 4:18:00 PM3/30/15
That's a simple static routing problem and there is example for that in examples/routing/.
The fact that you use lr-wpan is not an issue as this is a network function.

Moab Rodrigues

Apr 1, 2015, 5:59:25 PM4/1/15
Yes, I have access to IEEE Xplore.
When ending the code, put here. 

Thank you very much for the help.

Carlos Pedroso

Apr 2, 2019, 12:33:29 PM4/2/19
to ns-3-users

How are you? Do you still work with this code? I have some doubts, I saw that it is Brazilian.
This is working with the same network model but I use clusters. So if you can help me.

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