a quick update. With help of some other developers we got a cppyy nix package running for NixOS.
inputs = {
cppyy = {
url = "github:m-bdf/cppyy-nix";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
To use the package:
After including it my Python bindings are on, however they don't seem to work yet.
I saw my build is not making a /lib directory. I get a /lib64 though, should I cp it to /lib?
After cp, when trying to run the example of the docs using ns3 shell or ns3 run i get:
Failed to find libstdc++.so. Make sure its library directory is in LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
Command 'python3 /home/noel/repos/ns-3-dev/examples/wireless/mixed-wired-wireless.py' returned non-zero exit status 1.
I saw the ns3 shell seems to override the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
cd .; export PATH=$PATH:/home/noel/repos/ns-3-dev/build/lib PYTHONPATH=/home/noel/repos/ns-3-dev/build/bindings/python LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/noel/repos/ns-3-dev/build/lib ; bash
It therefore makes sense that in the build/lib it doesn't find libstdc++.so.
I'm wondering if this is a known error, or i have gone somewhere wrong.